Pops69 and Where's Waldo


Jan 25, 2009
I asked about pops a few seasons ago and no one had heard hide nor hair of him. I thought I would ask again, or more like just bring it up as a bit of a blast from the past.

Bases was pops' sport. He was quite the computer guru (Harvard man I remember reading) and farmed and integrated data from multiple sources like no one else. There were some here at the RX which understood the dynamic spreadsheet he used to track and integrate MLB stats. I believe some of the guys actually put together a webinar to help other RXers understand it. I can't remember ever seeing any posts on anyone else keeping this alive, but the thing was legendary. I used to download it and pour over it as much as I had time for but it was over my head.

Pops also had a system of keeping track of umpires (where's waldo) - who tended to give the most overs and unders. It was very successful for a long time, but (I think) the season before he stopped posting it didn't do so well. I wonder - are there resources available where it would be easy to go about recreating something like this? I think I'll check around the net this weekend when I have some time. In the meantime, does anyone have any ump tracking resources on hand or know or any?

Also read he wasn't allowed inside the continental US for a long time as he was wanted for trying to fix a sports event and Uncle Sam finally relented on humanitarian grounds because of his advanced age. As the kids say, that's pretty gangster. Actually, that's really gangster. That's pretty much the definition of the word gangster when used as a bastard adjective like this -- or damn close to it.

I remember he was going to start a website for a while but I don't think it ever came to fruition. I remember I checked on it a few times years ago and all it had on it was placeholder pics of hot (college age/non-pornographic) Asian girls - guess that was pops' thing - but no sports related content….

Obviously, I don't know what's true (who does on the internet) but I remember what I read - now the stuff of faded legends.

Baseball as America. Or something like that.

New member
May 25, 2009
It would take pops about 2 hrs to input the data into the spreadsheet each morning. He started distributing the data input to other members in order to try and reduce his workload. Members who downloaded the data were told to report any discrepancies in the data. The data he was collecting was available on the internet but not in one place...which is what the spreadsheet did. I tried to find a copy of the spreadsheet on my computer but haven't been able to find one.

The edge from the waldos was gone because too many people found out who these waldos were including the books. As pops said "loose lips sink ships". For waldos to work you would have to find your own waldos and not tell anyone else.

Personal view, I think pops was tipped on fixed games so he bet them...I don't think he was involved in fixing games.

New member
May 25, 2009
When he returned to the states he had to keep a low profile meaning he wouldn't post on this forum again.

Edge Player
Sep 11, 2006
long story, most already know it but one last time

before I left vegas the men in black arrested me for racketeering (fixing sporting events) before it went to trial, a deal was made with the DOJ that I would not post any type of sporting info while I was in the USA until 2020. so I left vegas and went on my world tour.

now that i'm heading back to the ussa I have to cease what I've been doing (just in case some dick head brings it back to there attention)

so that's what i'm giving my interest in rxpops69 to the others that were involved starting it up and stopping all of my sports related info etc

and that's the way it is. they have too deep of pockets to be fucked with. you will all find that out sooner or later

i plan to enjoy my last 20 days of free speech, as it wont be an option much longer


Jan 25, 2009
Now I remember, thanks guys. Hope he's somewhere enjoying the games.

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