my better half has no idea what the rx is. She also has NO IDEA that I post and hang around a bunch of losers. I'd be scared to tell her that I hang around here and post with all these degenerates and that you guys are my friends..
She would definitely think different of me and maybe even dump me for someone else if she found out I hung out with you losers. That's why I never tell her.
Alot of times when I am at her place and I am on her computer, she comes in and asks me, what you looking at, and I say, honey, i am checking my email.. Usually, when I hear her coming into the room, i press X on the top right corner of my screen and exit out fast, just in case she sees me on it and starts asking questions.. I can NEVER ever make her see this site or I might be single again, and she will never look at her man the same way again.