Police horses pelted with bottles and rocks by left wing protestors at Trump rally


Nov 4, 2009
"Fuck This Flag. Fuck This Country.

This Flag is The New Swastika.

Yes it is........

Fuck This Flag, Fuck This Flag. Suck a Dick.

Black Power In This Motherfucker You Know What It Is."


Nov 4, 2009
Some Americans will Stand Up.

For those who Stood Up before

and gave their lives.

For This Country.


Don't just Lay Down and let them destroy it, causing their sacrifice to be NOT for what they made that sacrifice for

but instead so that you could just turn your back and do nothing.


Nov 4, 2009
Instant Classic this one....

Bcuz not only is the Left Wing Libtard spazzing out to a degree that actually answers the question of how they manage to shit & piss in their pants

but it also illustrates how impossible it is to determine if Libtards are Male or Female which is so often the case, like, such a common challenge is being able to tell if they are boy or girl that its literally mindboggling.

Absolute Instant Classic this one. You cannot make this shit up.....no movie producer would ever script something like this bcuz its just so implausible, unreal and completely unable to be believed...


Nov 4, 2009
The post somewhere up there ^^^ from me about Soros funding Trump Protesters was an adaptation (ripoff) of an article linked to below, the "adaptation" being mostly an expansion upon illustrating the fact that Hired Soros Troublemakers often smell like shit, because the original article failed to go into enough detail about that to properly illustrate the bizarre and nauseating phenomenon that is those who Soros' MoveOn.org sees fit to hire and pay to provoke fights and mini Race Wars stinking almost universally, and with very few exceptions amidst their numbers, like shit.

Just wanted to clarify that this was not the another ckid/Sheila deal which it appeared to be.

Roger Stone
The Daily Caller's Men's Fashion Editor 9:48 AM 03/21/2016

Clinton And Soros Are Behind Violent Riots At Trump Rallies, Not Sanders


Nov 4, 2009

Looks like Homeboy's #FuckYoFlagTour dint gettim da attention he expected it would, done fizzled out last post May 2 :(


Dead In The Water.

This Dead Man Walking has an instagram (linked below) that has a bunch of really short Vine-like videos on it that if you find nuttyass ramblings from a wannabe race war inciter to be funny to watch....you may find entertaining. Most will find the only value in them to be the exhibition of just how stupid some people are and how totally overqualified they are to get shipped the fuck out of this country, deported to Fuckin Namibia or The Fucking Sudan.

I post this crap bcuz its all an excellent illustration of just how deeply disturbed and utterly lost & stupid many who we share this country with are, "on topic" this Cat's videos and other ramblings cuz these exemplify the type of protester who would throw rocks at a Fucking HORSE.

Horse didn't do a DamnThing.

There should, at least, be Respect for Horses. They played a major role in the developement of this country. Without Horses Mankind would be nowhere close to accomplishing what it has and they are fun to bet on sometimes and even once in a blue fucking moon one can make a few dollars betting on Horses.


Mar 2, 2006
Obviousl answer is to outlaw bottles.

Seriously thiugh ML you make a great point about most people living in lala land regarding politics and voting. I'm one of those people. So if I decided to take a stand and do something about it like you said, what would I do first? Obviously there are millions of people that do follow closely and play an active role in doing their part being involved and look what they have done? Hillary and trump are who the Americans have to choose from out of what? 3B people? So what the hell am I gonna do to make a difference in who runs for president. I vote sometimes. Just kinda live with whatever happens I suppose. Most importantly I don't bitch about it because I honestly don't give a shit.

Nov 4, 2009
If I decided to take a stand and do something about it like you said, what would I do first?

The vast majority of people, like, literally somewhere around 90% (or even greater) will not have an answer "come to them", pop into their heads on it's own..."instinctually". Many of those who were instrumental in founding this country were not immediately possessed by a knowledge of what they personally should do.

Much of this now has to play out as it will. Just like the revolution that created this country which was also preceded by years of bitching and moaning before action was taken so will whatever this is be. Some say its a "Revolution." I personally think those who call it that are completely overestimating what this generation is capable of. Liberals have allowed America to tumble down into the rabbit hole, to stop ourselves mid-plunge amidst this Fall they've placed us on is impossible. Our Roll can be slowed though. Its important that Voices get raised against Liberals yelling stupidity in the streets and throwing bottles at not just innocent animals but innocent animals who carried stuff for us, when we needed that, pulled things such as plows so that those who are the reason that we got here (our ancestors) could have food, to stay alive, and even pulled carriages that we could ride around in all Grand-like and even let us ride around on their backs.

Obviously there are millions of people that do follow closely and play an active role in doing their part being involved and look what they have done? Hillary and trump are who the Americans have to choose from out of what? 3B people? So what the hell am I gonna do to make a difference in who runs for president.

Both Candidates actually each have Unfavorable Ratings HIGHER than any nominee for either party within the whole history of this nation.

In other words: No Democrat or Republican, Whig Party even, whatever has ever been more disliked & distrusted than each of these candidates are.

Trump still stands bcuz people are finally willing to Stand Up and say they're mad as hell and not going to take this anymore.

Whether that is actually the case remains to be seen. If they are genuinely unwilling to take it any more. If nothing else its encouraging that large numbers of people are Standing Up against Corrupt Government, Idiot Liberals, The "Free-Stuff" Mob and PACs, Special Interest groups...

Bodes well for the Future but sincerely....

I vote sometimes. Just kinda live with whatever happens I suppose. Most importantly I don't bitch about it because I honestly don't give a shit.

...the likelihood of this Generation, "Boomers" or whatever it is that they are called really accomplishing anything of substance to reform their government & overcome the deep corruption and servitude to Foreign Powers, Israel, Bankers and The Wealthiest 1% is about as likely as was The Toronto Raptors actually taking down The Cavaliers.

Yeah....."it could have happened" but.....

...lets be realistic here.

Almost all of them feel as you do. As I do, the same. WTF are we gonna do?

We should do what we can to leave the least fucked up mess of a country possible to those who will be able to do something about it.

The way that you personally do something to contribute to that might surprise you.

Its to find out as thoroughly as you can, in whatever time you have to do that (or pay someone to do it for you) where you came from.

Your Ancestry. Find out who you came from, where they lived. This will be interesting anyways, aside from answering the question "What Do I Do?"

The answer to that is in there though. You find out who your ancestors were, most importantly where they lived, what they did during their lives (a few particular ones especially) and you'll find the answer you want.

You research your Geneology, uncover the ones amongst your ancestors whose lives, who they were and what they did makes you get goosebumps and you'll have it. Your answer on what you should do.

On it's surface that may sound like: "I'll get inspired by it? To do what they did?" Its not necessarily that though, not automatically that simple. The answer might be entirely different than that and something you may never have even imagined.

If you really want that answer. If not, I totally "feel you" as is said in modern lingo which...yeah sounds too "street" maybe but it actually works a lot better than "I understand' cuz that has sort of a holier than thou aura to it.

Mar 2, 2006

Great stuff as usual ML. You make some good points. Have you ever looked up your Ancestry? Is ancestry.com worth it as far as solid info? Sounds like a good idea.

You can talk street to me homie. I'm bi-lingual.

Nov 4, 2009

Great stuff as usual ML. You make some good points. Have you ever looked up your Ancestry? Is ancestry.com worth it as far as solid info? Sounds like a good idea.

You can talk street to me homie. I'm bi-lingual.

Oh Thu Real then Homeboy I don't know anything about Ancestry.com beyond that when you find out your family Name, like, what that was back a few generations...Your Original Family Name...there are sometimes whole Forums (sorta like RX) used by people from that same ancestral line who have investigated a bunch and can save you a lot of work while revealing mind-blowing stuff.

IIRC it was Ancestry.com that I saw those at.....the forums didn't cost money then though (and they may not now but prolly do cuz this was years ago, like, 1996 or so) possibly the Forums were at a website that wasn't Ancestry.com.....IMO Ancestry.com would be a good place to start after a brief Google Investigation of "best way to research ancestry" or "best way to search genealogy" or some search like one of those.

I did have mine investigated when I was in Salt Lake City, lived there for short period of time. I was trying to get with a Girl that was a Mormon, stunningly beautiful girl that was working in a fast food place right by City hall park where all the bums like me hung out and drank wine all day. I firstly saw her from across the street, a distance, and through a glass window but was still so stunned by her beauty that I think I have never seen a more beautiful face.

It may have been a Donut Shop. That she was in. I don't recall. All I remember is that it was catty corner from the park, like, diagonally across a rather major intersection so my being able to see her as well as I did from such a distance and diagonally across that intersection all while I was pretty drunk on Mad Dog 20/20 was pretty impressive to some of the other bums in the park.

I tried to get with her but she wasn't having that (to her immense credit) bcuz i was a teenaged alcoholic bum living in an abandoned caboose across the street from The Salvation Army where I'd go to eat Beans a couple times a day, my only plan in life was to attend an upcoming Scorpions Concert at the Salt Palace (where The Utah Jazz played) she could not become my girlfriend bcuz i was not an acceptable suitor to her Mormon Father but she did offer to take me to the huge Temple and help me look up who my ancestors were.

Mormons make those sort of deals with people. Its very peculiar. They are really really nice though. If they can't help you with one thing they will often offer to assist you with a completely different need that you have.

Like if you asked one of them to go in the store and buy you some wine cuz you was too young they'd say "No but you can have dinner with my Family if you want" which when you do turns out to be a whole bunch of people, 3 generations of people and tiny kids are running full speed everywhere. Even in some of their churches right during the service. They totally do nothing to contain their kids during church. And you can fall asleep in the pew and no one minds. Also you can go to church in a Purple Velour Suit, matching pants and jacket, and they don't treat you poorly for that. Quite unique and nice people. They are just kinda adverse to people who are not Mormon dating their daughters.

What I was able to find out from The Mormons was basic stuff, names....a few years later I found those Genealogy Forums and found out more. The Mormons are SERIOUS about Genealogy. They have underground structures filled with records, a hill-like "mountain" thats hollowed out thats full of records (this I was told, never saw this mountain, may not exist) on "everybody" basically...

Its totally mind-blowing. They are really enthusiastic too about helping. If you ever get to Salt Lake City I'd recommend you set aside a couple hours to go Trip with The Mormons, its definitely a good idea. Whatever people say about their odd beliefs they are really nice people and very sincere about helping one uncover their Genealogy.

If you're not going to SLC anytime soon I'd recommend Googling "best way to research ancestry" or "best way to search genealogy" "best genealogy search" or the like just being careful of fake review sites that Rank stuff solely on the basis of which place pays them the most money to send traffic to them....

Theres forums like this out there somewhere that are all about Genealogy....people know the best way to uncover the stuff...

and when you do its guaranteed to blow your mind because every lineage has amazing stories within it. Some totally incredible.

New member
Jan 29, 2009
so these people throwing rocks are trying to deny actual American citizens their first amendment rights?

not very tolerant, the left

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