PLUNDERED; How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America
America is at war, and doesn’t even know it. Americans have been indoctrinated by our public education system and the progressive mainstream media to accept progressive ideas as valid, and part of the American Way. They are not. They are diametrically opposed to the Constitutional Republic established by our Founding Fathers. Right-left politics are bad enough. But this is much, much worse than that.
Liberal progressives – this does not include liberals – hate capitalism, property rights, your liberty, and everything else that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. There is no such thing as compromise in the progressive ideology. Progressives may seem to compromise, but it is an illusion. It is merely part of their strategy to eventually win. Those steeped in the ideology are convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Progressives are generally nice people – as long as you agree with them. However, they have succeeded for decades by relentlessly lying, intimidating, bullying, mocking, demonizing, and even destroying anyone or anything that stands in their way. Their strategy is based on “the end justifies the means,” including class warfare.
Progressives constantly accuse everyone else of hatred and bigotry in order to hide in plain sight their own hatred and bigotry that is usually far worse than those they accuse. They admit amongst themselves that they are at war with the American legal system and tradition so they can implement their utopian ideals using the Soviet model of governance. Progressive ideology infects both political parties that manifest itself in different ways.
Progressive ideology has given America a deeply divided nation that is $15 plus trillion in debt with another $116 trillion unfunded liability that can never be paid.
Worse, progressive liberals believe debt is irrelevant so they constantly fight every effort to reign in our debt. For over a hundred years progressives in both political parties have been manipulated by a global elite to systematically undermined America’s Constitutional foundation in order to create a world government.
Although things may seem to be as they always have been, that is a deliberately created mirage. Americans can’t see it because our public education and the progressive media has slowly but systematically indoctrinated us for a hundred years to accept the progressive version of reality. Liberty in America as established by our Founders is in its death throes. The current “solutions” to our economic woes and high unemployment are actually making America’s economy worse because they are based on an ideology that has always failed. Worse, America’s moral fabric is being shredded as Christianity and Judaism are systematically extinguished. America is in moral free-fall that is increasingly narcissistic, bigoted and hate-filled, demanding things that tear down rather than builds civilization.
Plundered details how this progressive agenda has slowly but systematically strangled this great nation. It details who, why and how it is being done. Early psychiatrists in the 19th century were even then sounding the alarm. Progressivism is a cancer. It is part of a global agenda that is destroying America. It is evil.
The November elections solidified the death-grip progressivism has on America. The only way to restore the nation back to its constitutional foundations, the rule of law, and prosperity is to expose the progressive lie and eliminate this cancer and the disaster it has created.
America is at war, and doesn’t even know it. Americans have been indoctrinated by our public education system and the progressive mainstream media to accept progressive ideas as valid, and part of the American Way. They are not. They are diametrically opposed to the Constitutional Republic established by our Founding Fathers. Right-left politics are bad enough. But this is much, much worse than that.
Liberal progressives – this does not include liberals – hate capitalism, property rights, your liberty, and everything else that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. There is no such thing as compromise in the progressive ideology. Progressives may seem to compromise, but it is an illusion. It is merely part of their strategy to eventually win. Those steeped in the ideology are convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Progressives are generally nice people – as long as you agree with them. However, they have succeeded for decades by relentlessly lying, intimidating, bullying, mocking, demonizing, and even destroying anyone or anything that stands in their way. Their strategy is based on “the end justifies the means,” including class warfare.
Progressives constantly accuse everyone else of hatred and bigotry in order to hide in plain sight their own hatred and bigotry that is usually far worse than those they accuse. They admit amongst themselves that they are at war with the American legal system and tradition so they can implement their utopian ideals using the Soviet model of governance. Progressive ideology infects both political parties that manifest itself in different ways.
Progressive ideology has given America a deeply divided nation that is $15 plus trillion in debt with another $116 trillion unfunded liability that can never be paid.
Worse, progressive liberals believe debt is irrelevant so they constantly fight every effort to reign in our debt. For over a hundred years progressives in both political parties have been manipulated by a global elite to systematically undermined America’s Constitutional foundation in order to create a world government.
Although things may seem to be as they always have been, that is a deliberately created mirage. Americans can’t see it because our public education and the progressive media has slowly but systematically indoctrinated us for a hundred years to accept the progressive version of reality. Liberty in America as established by our Founders is in its death throes. The current “solutions” to our economic woes and high unemployment are actually making America’s economy worse because they are based on an ideology that has always failed. Worse, America’s moral fabric is being shredded as Christianity and Judaism are systematically extinguished. America is in moral free-fall that is increasingly narcissistic, bigoted and hate-filled, demanding things that tear down rather than builds civilization.
Plundered details how this progressive agenda has slowly but systematically strangled this great nation. It details who, why and how it is being done. Early psychiatrists in the 19th century were even then sounding the alarm. Progressivism is a cancer. It is part of a global agenda that is destroying America. It is evil.
The November elections solidified the death-grip progressivism has on America. The only way to restore the nation back to its constitutional foundations, the rule of law, and prosperity is to expose the progressive lie and eliminate this cancer and the disaster it has created.