Please read this, concerning our troops and the war in Iraq


New member
Sep 21, 2004
We found out recently that our son-in-law is being deployed to Iraq.
He and my daughter will be married a year this week. They are the parents to our precious 5 month old granddaughter Ryleigh.
Suddenly your attention to the war is changed dramatically. You start reading every article you can find and watching every news report you can see concerning whats going on over there.
You start to feel the incredible burden of worry that every loved one carries who has a son, or daughter, mother, or father, brother, or sister, husband, or wife serving over there in harms way.
It seems as the days pass, the majority of Americans think less and less about whats going on in Iraq.
After all, George W. Bush declared the war over a long time ago.
You here very little talk in his camp about the 900+ who have given their lives, or the thousands who have been injured.
It's becoming almost blasse to those back here in the States, especially to those who have no friend or loved one involved in the danger over there.
But the fact is, young americans are continuing to die and be injured, fighting what I damn well call a War in Iraq!
A War with absolutely no exit strategy.
A War to supposedly liberate a people, the majority of which, no longer want us there.
The goal was to remove Saddam from power. That has been achieved.
What are the goals now?
Are we waiting for a certain amount of days, or weeks, or years, with no uprising before we say ok time to go.
If, as our leaders say, the vast majority of Iraq' people want democracy why is the fighting and resistance becoming more and more intense?
Perhaps because we have no idea about the culture and religious ideals of the people we are trying to liberate!
As we speak we are in the middle of destroying the most sacred City in their country!
And that my friends is the whole deal in a nutshell.
Whether you deem the cause good or bad, we are invaders. We occupy THEIR country.
They want us to leave just as we would want an occupying force to leave our shores.
It's now their's to deal with.
Do you honestly believe there will be in a thousand lifetimes an Iraq without turmoil?
There will not always be another Sadaam waiting to try to take control?
George W Bush and his expert panel of advisors, had absolutely no clue what they where asking to have to deal with, long term, by invading Iraq and setting them free.
If were waiting for the day they accept the western way of life and democracy, we might as well start setting up permanent military bases there right now.
What happens after we finally pull out, and a year or two or three from now another clone of Sadaam attempts to take over or indeed does?
Right back we have to go?
There are so many different religous factions over there, it will never ever be a stable region!
So now, our family is about to join the hundreds of thousands of families, who live their days in constant worry for their loved ones who serve their country with the greatest of honor.
You can hate this War, you can vehemently disagree with our reasons for going, but never forget or stop praying for, or honoring, the Men and Women who are risking their lives every minute they are there.
Take a few seconds out of your every day, and say a prayer that the hostilities will end.

Sep 21, 2004
i hope he comes home safe and within 2 years.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
I agree with a number of points in your post...

When you said "Are we waiting for a certain amount of days, or weeks, or years, with no uprising before we say ok time to go."

....I think this is going to play out about like the Israel/Palestine long as we're over there there will be fighting....most likely civil war afterwards, with all the factions vying for power....

"They want us to leave just as we would want an occupying force to leave our shores."

I think a lot of people miss this one, if there was an occupying force driving down the streets of Los Angeles you would damn well find residents of the US shooting at the foreign forces...when it happens over there they're called insurgents, over here in the US it would be called justified....

As far as them accepting the western way of life and democracy.....yes, as you pointed out, there is centuries of traditions and religions embedded in the people over there, I seriously doubt democracy is a viable option that they would be willing to adopt, any more than trying to get people here in the US to drop thier own traditions and culture and take up another form of government....

I don't foresee any change of events over there....IMO it's going to be the same thing tomorrow as happened yesterday and the day before that.....2 or 3 or 7 killed, no exit strategy from the start, nothing on the horizon either.....sadly your only hope is that your loved one is not one of the 2 or 3 or 7.....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> If were waiting for the day they accept the western way of life and democracy, we might as well start setting up permanent military bases there right now.

Thats where things are likely to go.

Irans nuclear ambitions reinforce this option.

The rising value of oil also reinforces a permanent presence.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

best of luck to your son-in-law and your family. May he come home healthy.

Sep 1, 2001
Sorry to hear your son in law going to the Middle East. What you describe is exactly what my family is facing too. I have a son in law in the Marine reserves and will be deployed sometime in the near future, as well as another son in law in the navy (I think this one will be alright though). We all pray and hope that they and others like them can one day return home safely and have a normal life.

Allot of people are getting rich over this a war, after all, Iraq is said to have the 2nd biggest oil reserve in the world. Our tax dollars are being siphoned off for this cause, much of which is unaccounted for, example: 1.8 billon dollars to Halliburton, according to the last report. This figure doesn’t include the oil production that was supposed to pay for the rebuilding, and costs. Wouldn’t we expect the price of gas to come down after getting all this stolen oil????? Lets get real!!
I for one don’t believe there will never be peace in the Middle East. These people have been fighting for centuries, and are strong in their beliefs.
Much debate can be made for either side, as we are a country that is clearly divided.

Before I ramble on with my views, I’ll cut it short, just to say, you are not alone.
God bless all of us.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Bush said we were going to war to "disarm" Iraq of their WMD's. Iraq is an "imminent" threat to the USA. Turned out both of those statements were false. Go see the documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" if you want to get a real picture of whats going on in Iraq. The troops that are there tell it like it is in this documentary. They give a point of view you will never see on Fox News.


Sep 21, 2004
As someone who has served in the USMC during the first Gulf War and who still knows a few who have been to Iraq this year, please Brijames don't beleive all the propaganda you read and hear in the media.
I can understand your pain but have faith in your son's commanders, his comrades, and his training.
No one is going over their "to" die. Don't let any political views distort your feelings.
We are at war and owe these men and women much gratitude.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
Quote: "No one is going over there "to" die.."

....Yeah, just like robbery and auto accidents, it happens to the other guy....

"have faith in your son's commanders,".....that alone will get large numbers of troops killed, if past history repeats itself in this corporate based war....

Best advice I can give: Keep your head low, and come back alive to watch your grandkids someday.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I was in the USAF during the Gulf war. Quite a few idiot commanders. They will get you killed in a heartbeat. Tell that stinkin Bush to have his daughters fight his damn war. If you are already in and are going over to Iraq, you better have eyes in the back of your head. One more thing, shoot to kill.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
Quite right, Chuck....

Anyone remember "Pickett's charge" during the American Civil War????

New member
Sep 21, 2004

While I do not pray, I want you to know that I fervently hope that your daughter's husband returns home safely. And I want to thank you for your family's efforts and sacrifices in this difficult situation. The same goes to all of those and their families who are in harm's way over there.

RSB, Like you I was in USMC in Gulf War I (albeit as a reservist who was not on front lines) and agree that we owe them gratitude. However, I share Ripper's concerns that we ought not to be in Iraq.

Semper fi,


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have Marco. Though most of the stupidity happened on the Union side during the whole war. Fredricksburg for instance.

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