PLEASE Get In Donald


Sep 21, 2004
I'm still skeptical. He's cried wolf too many times. But IF he gets in, for however long he's in(I suspect until the Financial disclosure forms are due), he'll make this Clown Car Show eminently entertaining. He talks in soundbites, that the low information Fox Idiots respond to. Just keeping track of his contradictions will be a full time job. This is gonna be HUGE. HUGE.

[h=1]Trump rips GOP ‘clowns,’ threatens 2016 run: Manna for media?[/h] By Howard Kurtz
Published June 09, 2015
The Republican presidential candidates are a bunch of “clowns.”
That’s not some liberal pundit mouthing off. It’s the wealthy guy who is now signaling that he will join the field next week.
Yep, Donald Trump looks ready to inflict himself on the process.
He’s been playing this flirtation game for years, of course, and nobody has been more skeptical than me that he’d actually give up “The Apprentice” and expose himself to the trench warfare of politics. But he says he will make an announcement next Tuesday that will make a lot of people happy, the Raleigh News & Observer reports.
And The Donald made clear in that interview that he won’t be shy about taking shots at his rivals, “after watching Bush make a total ass---- of himself, Rubio makes an ass---- of himself.”
This is why most journalists, despite their skepticism about a Trump candidacy, are secretly hoping he runs—just to liven things up.
Having covered Trump on and off for three decades, I can tell you that he loves to engage with the press—and to dump on journalists who write or say something he dislikes. (His latest Twitter targets: Chuck Todd and Charles Krauthammer.) But then he’ll probably return your call the next time anyway.
The bombastic businessman is ramping up his rhetoric: “It’s about making America great again. I can do it, and nobody else can do it.”
What about his lack of foreign policy experience? “I’ve made a lot of money beating China and other countries,” he told the North Carolina paper. “I only have experience beating other countries. Is that good experience?”
Yes, and in case you were wondering, “I would be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
On a lighter note, he insisted: “It is my hair, by the way.”
One reason Trump will be a factor, if he runs, is that he’ll almost certainly be in the Fox debate, and the top CNN debate after that. National polls reward name recognition, and Trump is around 5 percent, putting him about eighth but still in the top 10. That means when not singing his own praises, he can use his stage time to attack the other candidates.
In a Bloomberg poll in April, 26 percent said they “might consider” voting for Trump, but 62 percent said they would “never consider” voting for him. In Iowa, a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll said 58 percent could never consider supporting Trump.
There is, to put it mildly, a huge gap between the way Trump sees himself and how the electorate views him, at least for now.
And keep in mind that Trump’s business record would come under scrutiny if he’s an official candidate, such as the bankruptcy of his casino company.
So the man who wrote “The Art of the Deal” is going to have a hard time closing the deal. That is, if he runs. But he could become, well, one of the loudest voices in the Republican field.

Sep 21, 2004
Sudden thought.... Trump thinks as others in Washington which is the problem! Should not be a game, that's why most are their (there) now. Most of the shit they Vote on affects them and their game! Bottom Line for them should be the people who are not playing the same game! Not

"Trump looks ready to inflict himself on the process.

He’s been playing this flirtation game for years, of course, and nobody has been more skeptical than me that he’d actually give up “The Apprentice” and expose himself to the trench warfare of politics".

If he moves near Camdem Yards or any other Presidental hopeful does for that matter and flirts with the real game they'll get my vote! The majority of the U.S. has followed Apprentice/DWS/Etc. to ignore reality until it gets close, then they wonder what happened?? Example is ISIS, their actions are in everyones living room on T.V (does this still exist) and Live Video's each night and who cares?

I'm one of the few who knows nothing about everything. I don't turn conversations into attacks on others unless they start talking about everything their son or daughter isn't doing for America! Never heard any Parent Walk the Talk! You see, everyone is taught early to take care of themselves (which your Politicans do well) but not taught reality which AFFECTS them!

Think back to your schooling, protesting actions by those who are/were in a Political position who make decisions was not a mandatory class or if it was then, who was right? I can't go back and talk about Kent St. or any other protest but will say it is too late even though some say it is never too late? If your not in the system now it is too late, if you are...... then you don't care!

America was but isn't now as it was!

How are you (not just guesser) involved in bring back America to what it was besides just talking about what is wrong and doing squat?

This is “The Art of the Deal”

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Trump running would make these elections more fun. Just from an entertainment prospective, it would be a very interesting election.

Sep 21, 2004
Trump running would make these elections more fun. Just from an entertainment prospective, it would be a very interesting election.

Your not saying............ RU

New member
Jan 16, 2013
I haven't seen Don Trump in over 40 years but we were pretty good friends in 1969 & 1970 always met up at
Maxwell's Plum, where I met my first wife in 1969 & 1970. We double dated a few times & he was the only guy
to fix me up on a date, I usually liked to pick my own but he had good taste.

He was a good guy & good friend. He never drank which was quite unusual for those who congrigated at Maxwell's
Friday nights. Besides chasing chucks we used to debate the Viet Nam affair with liberals, one of the thinkers
he held in high regard was Dr. Norman Vincent Peale who I knew nothing about then. He invited me to play golf at

One day I remember there was a new in bar we decided to go to the Hippopotamus, at Maxwell's when there was a line
we were allowed to walk right in. When we went to the Hippopotamus they made us wait so we left & Trump told the guy
who kept us waiting " I'm Don Trump" remember the name. That's about 6 years before he became famous. Fun Times
I'd vote for him/.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I haven't seen Don Trump in over 40 years but we were pretty good friends in 1969 & 1970 always met up at
Maxwell's Plum, where I met my first wife in 1969 & 1970. We double dated a few times & he was the only guy
to fix me up on a date, I usually liked to pick my own but he had good taste.

He was a good guy & good friend. He never drank which was quite unusual for those who congrigated at Maxwell's
Friday nights. Besides chasing chucks we used to debate the Viet Nam affair with liberals, one of the thinkers
he held in high regard was Dr. Norman Vincent Peale who I knew nothing about then. He invited me to play golf at

One day I remember there was a new in bar we decided to go to the Hippopotamus, at Maxwell's when there was a line
we were allowed to walk right in. When we went to the Hippopotamus they made us wait so we left & Trump told the guy
who kept us waiting " I'm Don Trump" remember the name. That's about 6 years before he became famous. Fun Times
I'd vote for him/.

Great story, neverbend.

Thanks for sharing.

Sep 21, 2004
Trump is 10x the human being than that shit-stain vile corrupt whore that the Demotards are putting out there.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Trump is 10x the human being than that shit-stain vile corrupt whore that the Demotards are putting out there.
Ridiculously stupid statement. Trump is a scumbag and if he ran and they dug into his financial bullshit.....he would make these phony Clinton foundation accusations look like nothing.

Man, you say some of the dumbest shit anywhere.

We are still waiting for the bombshell birther info found by his own hysterical investigation on Obama.
Jan 24, 2012
Trump is 10x the human being than that shit-stain vile corrupt whore that the Demotards are putting out there.

Trump is the definition of a whore. I'd literally rather wrap my lips around a revolver than choose between Hillary and Donald.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
I hope the Donald runs. The last thing the US needs is another community organizer or the same ole politician like Rubio or Hillary.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I hope the Donald runs. The last thing the US needs is another community organizer or the same ole politician like Rubio or Hillary.
Trump has less than zero chance to win a general election. He would pull another bush and bankrupt the he's done with his casinos.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
Trump has less than zero chance to win a general election. He would pull another bush and bankrupt the he's done with his casinos.
I think he will win if he enters.

America needs someone who thinks BIG. He talks big and tough. I like that. The world is a better place with a strong USA. Last several years its getting weaker. China has taken over as the world's largest economy. Trump would take on the Chinese who are taking over the world right under your noses.

Almost all successful people have failed or went bankrupt more than once. They never give up. They actually do things. When you do, you will fail at times. If you do nothing, you will fail all the time.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I think he will win if he enters.

America needs someone who thinks BIG. He talks big and tough. I like that. The world is a better place with a strong USA. Last several years its getting weaker. China has taken over as the world's largest economy. Trump would take on the Chinese who are taking over the world right under your noses.

Almost all successful people have failed or went bankrupt more than once. They never give up. They actually do things. When you do, you will fail at times. If you do nothing, you will fail all the time.

no chance to win.

He became successful because his father got rich by using the help of federal govt and federal housing authority and left him millions

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I hope the Donald runs. The last thing the US needs is another community organizer or the same ole politician like Rubio or Hillary.

One person can't turn America around. Assuming such an individual even exists and did step forward sacrificing himself, he wouldn't be electable.

The far radical left has so poisoned The Land Of Free And Home Of The Brave it probably is beyond saving.

George Washington couldn't get elected today...tells you all need to know.

There are still MANY pockets of goodness across America which will ALWAYS thrive but lets face it, politically, America is finished.

The only thing left for God-Fearing Patriots to do is isolate themselves from the evil madness.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
so what? Jealous?
Uh no. I wouldn't trade lives with anyone.

Just pointing out that he hasn't done anything you or anyone else could have done with a 200 million dollar start. He's a scummy dude and has no chance to win.....people only want him in the race for the entertainment factor....because he says so much dumb shit

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
One person can't turn America around. Assuming such an individual even exists and did step forward sacrificing himself, they wouldn't be electable.

The far radical left has so poisoned The Land Of Free And Home Of The Brave it probably is beyond saving.

George Washington couldn't get elected today...tells you all need to know.

There are still MANY pockets of goodness across America which will ALWAYS thrive but lets face it, politically, America is finished.
hard to argue with anything you just said.

The thing that impresses me with Trump is he's a leader. I think more than anything, that is what the USA needs more than ever. Washington has become all but dysfunctional the last several years and I see no sign its going to get better anytime soon. A strong personality that can get people to work together would be great.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
hard to argue with anything you just said.

The thing that impresses me with Trump is he's a leader. I think more than anything, that is what the USA needs more than ever. Washington has become all but dysfunctional the last several years and I see no sign its going to get better anytime soon. A strong personality that can get people to work together would be great.

While I agree with what you said I think Trump is a long shot. Even if gets the nod he won’t beat the Granny.

And here’s why. The economy is stagnant, has been since 08. If anyone cares about the economy then Trump is your guy, he knows how to make money.

However if history repeats itself which it often does then the majority of voters will not have the economy as a top priority.

If you look at the last election, Romney was the economic genius and Obama had already proven he knew nothing about reviving the economy yet he got reelected.

Reality is there are more Paul’s than Peter’s that vote and they all vote Democrat.

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