Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”
Kurt Nimmo
July 16, 2008
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</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16></TD><TD width=400>
</TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16> </TD><TD class=photo-caption vAlign=top align=left width=400>In the months and years ahead, with the engineered deconstruction of the economy, a “domestic security force” possibly the size of the U.S. military will be required to “to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals,” as Rockefeller functionary Brzezinski might describe it.</TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
It appears candidate Obama, if elected, fully intends to recruit young citizens into something he calls a “national security force,” apparently a large paramilitary group “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military. Obama made passing reference to this disturbing idea in a speech delivered in Chicago on July 2. As should be expected, the corporate media, with the exception on the Chicago Tribune, completely ignored the statement and its implications.
It was picked up by the real media, that is to say the bloggers, and Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily. “If we’re going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn’t this rather a big deal?” asked Farah. “I thought Democrats generally believed the U.S. spent too much on the military. How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together?”
Farah should know there is little to no difference between Democrats and Republicans — they both take orders from the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, David Rockefeller’s globalist coterie, the Trilateral Commission, and various one-world foundations and cliques.
It is no secret Obama’s top advisor is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a close Rockefeller protégé, a founding member and former director of the Trilateral Commission, and a CFR member. Obama’s wife, Michelle, is a member of the Chicago branch of the CFR. Big donors to the Obama campaign basically constitute a who’s who of corporate and Wall Street banking interests, including JP Morgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Citigroup. Disgraced former Obama advisor, James A. Johnson, former Fannie Mae CEO and consummate Washington insider, is a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Farah seems unwilling to make crucial differences when it comes to Democrats and Republicans, but in this instance we can forgive, at least for the moment, because he is asking all the right questions.
“Are we talking about creating a police state here?” he asked in a July 15 article posted on the WND website.
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Obama — or rather his handlers, consisting of dedicated minions who work for the global elite, the international bankers, the corporate fascists — are serious, dead serious, about creating a “domestic security force.”
It has nothing to do with al-Qaeda, either, a phantom force Joseph Farah and his neocon buddies believe pose a serious threat to America. It has everything to do with subduing those of us who may resist an accelerated move toward fascist corporate globalization, one-world government, and the effort to turn the planet into a slave labor gulag where half the population exists on less than a dollar or two a day. It’s all about forcing us to accept the New Serfdom at gunpoint.
In the months and years ahead, with the engineered deconstruction of the economy, a “domestic security force” possibly the size of the U.S. military will be required to “to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals,” as Rockefeller functionary Brzezinski might describe it.
Something of this size and scope will be required, especially with the very real prospect of foods riots and civil unrest as America is reduced to a third world cesspool, an eventuality if the NWO has its way.
In the meantime, after Obama is elected – or McCain, it really makes no difference – they globalists may be recruiting your neighbors or kids to do their bidding.
Kurt Nimmo
July 16, 2008
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=416 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=16>
It appears candidate Obama, if elected, fully intends to recruit young citizens into something he calls a “national security force,” apparently a large paramilitary group “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military. Obama made passing reference to this disturbing idea in a speech delivered in Chicago on July 2. As should be expected, the corporate media, with the exception on the Chicago Tribune, completely ignored the statement and its implications.
It was picked up by the real media, that is to say the bloggers, and Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily. “If we’re going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn’t this rather a big deal?” asked Farah. “I thought Democrats generally believed the U.S. spent too much on the military. How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together?”
Farah should know there is little to no difference between Democrats and Republicans — they both take orders from the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, David Rockefeller’s globalist coterie, the Trilateral Commission, and various one-world foundations and cliques.
It is no secret Obama’s top advisor is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a close Rockefeller protégé, a founding member and former director of the Trilateral Commission, and a CFR member. Obama’s wife, Michelle, is a member of the Chicago branch of the CFR. Big donors to the Obama campaign basically constitute a who’s who of corporate and Wall Street banking interests, including JP Morgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Citigroup. Disgraced former Obama advisor, James A. Johnson, former Fannie Mae CEO and consummate Washington insider, is a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Farah seems unwilling to make crucial differences when it comes to Democrats and Republicans, but in this instance we can forgive, at least for the moment, because he is asking all the right questions.
“Are we talking about creating a police state here?” he asked in a July 15 article posted on the WND website.
The U.S. Army alone has nearly 500,000 troops. That doesn’t count reserves or National Guard. In 2007, the U.S. Defense budget was $439 billion.
Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that?
If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?
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Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that?
If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?
Obama — or rather his handlers, consisting of dedicated minions who work for the global elite, the international bankers, the corporate fascists — are serious, dead serious, about creating a “domestic security force.”
It has nothing to do with al-Qaeda, either, a phantom force Joseph Farah and his neocon buddies believe pose a serious threat to America. It has everything to do with subduing those of us who may resist an accelerated move toward fascist corporate globalization, one-world government, and the effort to turn the planet into a slave labor gulag where half the population exists on less than a dollar or two a day. It’s all about forcing us to accept the New Serfdom at gunpoint.
In the months and years ahead, with the engineered deconstruction of the economy, a “domestic security force” possibly the size of the U.S. military will be required to “to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals,” as Rockefeller functionary Brzezinski might describe it.
Something of this size and scope will be required, especially with the very real prospect of foods riots and civil unrest as America is reduced to a third world cesspool, an eventuality if the NWO has its way.
In the meantime, after Obama is elected – or McCain, it really makes no difference – they globalists may be recruiting your neighbors or kids to do their bidding.