Ignorant comment. Some people come to this forum with no clue how ekgs plays work. He asked a simple question. No need to bash him. Way to make a new poster feel welcome at the forum /s
New Poster, make him feel welcome? He has 160 posts!!!!! If anyone is new, it is me. What's ignorant is someone who looks at what EKG posted saying Detroit is "kind of even now" and thinking that means the line and not his action. How can a line be "kind of" even? A line is either even or it isn't. You're ignorant for not seeing that. Also, I wasn't bashing, but trying to make that person realize that what he/she is asking is a
hno: and he/she should think before typing. I'm tired of the number of people who constantly litter EKG's threads with dumb questions, when it is obvious (and should be even for new posters) what he is saying or means with the information he is providing. Yes, I am not doing much better by adding this to his thread right now, but the day is over, so I waited to post and at least respected that. People need to use their brains more often, that's all. It get's tiresome having to often sift through a lot of hoopla in EKG and BR thread's, because people for some reason don't get or understand simple things. BTW, I am happy, and happy often, because the information EKG provides is valuable and helps rake in money from the books. For that, I am thankful and toasted one for EKG! :toast: