Thanks for the job offer but I already have a job. I work for a book therefore my job is reliefing square smartass know it alls (like you) of their bankrolls. I post picks now and then when asked, you can find them in the RR, I am not 69-12 +60,000 units like you, but my picks are free. If you wish i will take my chances and go pick for pick with a great capper like yourself, let me know.
Remember always bet under when a nba team features the center in their offense.
What kind of kick back do you get from and for shilling or do you work for them?
"and my picks that are in the basketball contest are not my best bets"
I know why would you want to post your best picks in a silly ole contest.
[This message was edited by DickyW on 12-04-02 at 04:30 PM.]