One week they are"the sharpest book in the history of the world". The next week they are putting up lines long after everyone else, and holding off on putting up ML im the NFL. Thye are also getting later and later in putting up their MLB lines. So that makes them geniuses as well?
You can't have it both ways. Either they are sharp and winning (unbeatable), or they are gambling and losing. Either they set the standard, or they are putting up lines cloning others or settling somewhere in between the other "big" books.
Lately it has been the latter, for at least the past couple weeks. Thier baseball lines have been up 2-3 hours after evryone else, and while they still have the move,ent, they are not opening 8-10 cents 'off' like they were in the past.
Not to mention they are now having technical difficulites with their line tracking. I can't get them on any of the line updating sites that I use. S to see the movement their lines are making I have to refresh on the main page, and hope I don't get locked up.
I am just surprised that so many people still have their heads in the sand and do not address these things. But because they are who they are they get a long long leash I guess.
But to me it has gone from intrigue to concern. These are tell tale signs of problems in my opinion. But since I am not an "insider" I get brushed off. I said the same thing a couple years ago when Aces was doing pretty much the same thing. But I was literally laughed off or banned from a couple forums.
Not that Pinnacle is that bad, but they have defiantely had a lot of negative things happen in the past few months. One or two can be coincidence, several incidences is more.
I will continue to play there, but I will once again begin to pare down my balance. Baseball is almost over anyways, so no biggie to me. Since they started this new trend they haven't been all that special in baseball either.