what do you mean by "matters too much"?
well, in big chalk games, your looking to get on a tgeam that should be closer to a "sure" thing.......a team that if u r willing to increase your regular outlay/return for, you should be more assured of a winner.....keeping in mind nothing is guaranteed.
The phillies /braves game matters more than just about any game on the schedule with the exception of giants/rockies. The pennant race and playoff hunt can make for a great equalizer, and i know lee's skills warrant the phils to be favored like this, but i feel like in that playoff baseball atmosphere, why take the huge favorite in such a pivotal game?
theres plenty of bad teams looking to pack it in if they getbehind, and on the road.....ATLANTA is not one of them.
the padres got their lucky one yesterday, and the pirates have overachieved of late....id go after one of those teams . the Pirates did fight back last night, but i can see the pADRES being dogs tonight and biting the pillow for the Marlins