I didnt think CB had it in him
For those that don’t know what a Peruvian necktie is, it is a move I love doing
You fake the anaconda choke or darce choke and switch grips to apply the Peruvian necktie
Once it is on no way to get out unless the back leg is not on the back. Actually CB had his leg a little too high but he got the submission anyways
To learn the Peruvian necktie go here
For those that don’t know what a Peruvian necktie is, it is a move I love doing
You fake the anaconda choke or darce choke and switch grips to apply the Peruvian necktie
Once it is on no way to get out unless the back leg is not on the back. Actually CB had his leg a little too high but he got the submission anyways
To learn the Peruvian necktie go here