To GRINDSTONE and everyone else.
There's no doubt PENNYWISE's daily threads are some of most visited here at the Rx. Simply look
at the number of "views."
Everyone comes here for PENNYWISE's awesome MLB selections. As an added "bonus," there's plenty
of "eye candy" to gaze at while we lament over the plays.
To that end, we need to keep the photos of the babes we post in PENNYWISE's threads (and any Rx sub-forums)
one notch above full frontal nudity.
Full frontal nudity describes a state of full nudity with the woman facing forward with the whole front of
the body exposed, including intimate parts such as breasts and vagina/vulva.
BETALLSPORTS has already warned GRINDSTONE about this. I understand the reasoning. Young kids may be peering over their dad's shoulder
when he's is here visiting the Rx. Yikes! Despite the warning, GRINDSTONE still posted a babe with her shaved clam exposed.
Look, I'm no prude. I just think there are PLENTY of hot babe images one can post here that are provoactive, yet don't have to have full frontal
nudity. Plenty of images of babes using a "hand bra" (e.g., their hands) to shield their otherwise bare breasts. That's acceptable. Also you can
certainly improvise and cover up the woman's intimate parts yourself! See below.
OK, lecture over. I'm not a Administrator here. I just don't want anyone to get in trouble over posting pictures of these luscious babes!
We're all having a blast! Let's keep it going! @)