A Few Thoughts On Pearl Harbor Day-
First of all wondering if there's a sense of collective guilt here for using such a hellish weapon like the A-Bomb (twice) on innocent Jap civilian family men women infants and children? I know - revenge is a meal best served cold- but this?
My wrath for the Jap soldier knows no bounds. They deserved it. But killing civilians like you and I? Dont we make a big deal out of that now- calling it terrorism?. If terrorism is OK during War fine- but dont call it honorable- dont call mass slaughter of a countries civilians a valiant victory. Its murder. Civilians are innocent. We didnt have to do that to them.
The brainwashing went like this.We had to put to bomb over 100000 innocent human beings with the A-Bomb because if we didnt and we had to invade the mainland we would have lost 500000- a half a million men would have most certainly died.
So we were actually saving lives by taking 100000 innocent ones? Brilliant!
Thats the mantra. Many still believe it even today- even after we know much more of the real story then we ever wanted to.
Looking back- the dropping of the Bomb was a first pre-emptive attack on a large group of people for the "greater good" - a story that keeps us looking at it as a job that needed doing- instead of a delibrate crime against humanity.
Some believe that 9/11 was performed with the same mantra.
Kill a few- save the many.
Whether you want to believe it or not- the Japs had no such plans for killing half a million of us. They had already tried to surrender through official channels but were rebuffed multiple times. They were tired and starving like all countries that had nothing left. The mantra refusing the surrender offer is they wanted conditions that were unacceptable. Huh?Unconditional or nothing was the word. The Japs wanted the emperor to stay to keep the people calm when the Allies came. FDR refused to accede to that request. So what happens? We drop the Bomb. Then "we allow the emperor to stay and keep the people calm when the Allies come in to help rebuild".
So why did we use that as an excuse to refuse their surrender since we ended up doing that anyway? Simple. FDR followed the orders given to him by his money masters who had made him POTUS. Dont let them surrender. Destroy them - use the bomb. So he did.
The Jap people believed their Emperor would never steer them wrong -he did- but the "sneak attack" guilt is owned by both sides. That FDR was suprised has been pretty well debunked by now. So some of the the blood of 2000 Americans is on his hands as well.
We had been placing embargos on Japans access to oil for some time and daring them to do something about it. FDR knew of the attack plan long before it happened and had been ordered to move the indespensible aircraft carriers and most expensive pieces for this gigantic chess game away from harm.
So Pearl Harbor got the constitutionally correct non-interventionist attitude of the American people (as the founders had counseled) thrown out and into a war against Japan AND Germany at the same time we went. The Rothschilds and the Jesuits meanwhile are making billions of dollars lending the money to each of the countries involved to make the planes tanks ships bombs rifles bullets and c-rations pay Rosie the riveter etc while all the the human military resouces of each country involved died for them. War isnt about saving anybody- its about ensuring that large amounts of people die in order to make money. They made billions of dollars over the noise of the extinction of millions of people to a world war. You think they didnt want this? They loved this- hence the term- the war lovers. That is what they are. Now- at the end- nothing had changed. More wars are being planned- there was never a chance we fought for peace. War is necessary for the Elite conspiracy to survive. The depopulation alone made it a good thing for their long term interests. Now these same powers have since coalesced into the NWO. The necessary wars are still being fought in Iraq and Afganistan and elsewhere.
Now another war-an economic war- is on. A Financial Bomb has been dropped by the Power Elites on Americans. Believe it. With you in their sights- you are a slave to them financially now with your mortages and your 401K's and your credit card debt and your taxation without representation and your dependence on food supply prices and gasoline powered cars so they can wage war on you on a much more personal level over a longer period of time until you surrender- and surrender you have- now you are of no use to them anymore- useles eaters all now is the Middle Class. Wake up before you find yourselves in another soup line because your house is gone and you are homeless like thousands of Americans already are.
You kooks are never right is your typical response.
You still believe that? Ive only been saying they are going to implode the economy and crash the stock market for 2-3 years now. You still want to believe Im wrong?
NAFTA=NAU= delibrate collapse of the economy by any means necessary. I connected the dots a long tome ago and now the picture is painting itself by the numbers.
How much more before you admit youve been suckered your whole life?
Do feel anything about these deceptions? Repeated in a more malevolent fashion by Bush exactly 60 years later and one just recently pulled on you by the FED ?
When do you say -enough?
How about in 60 days when they do their Codex Alimentarius on you - basically they declare it a crime to purchase VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS you need anywhere - even online- because the stores will be closed by decree of Big Pharma so you will have to by their drugs instead od vitamins and die sooner- not later?
Anyway- heres to Pearl Harbor and the art of deception...:cripwalk: