Having a first round tender does not require the saints to give the pats a 1st.The pats are going to outright resign Butler based on the terms the saints negotiated with his agent .This removes all the tender requirements.A tender only comes into play when another team signs butler.This is not what's happening.So basically the pats get the best of it on the front end and the saints get the best of it on the backend .Cooks worth far more then what you gave up for him tonight .And butler worth far more the. What the saints are going to give up for him tomorrowWell wait the Pats traded for cook and a 4th they gave up a 1 & a 3.The Pats designated a 1st round tender on Butler.
We already know that's not true, been there and done thatThey're 14-6 when the GOAT doesn't playOne injury to gay boy and you guys are 8-8
c'mon Enfuego, you're the king of creating "thread titles" my friend, youse can't be offendedWhat a dumb thread title. Crown 'em.
Exactley... Did some more research on this. Whoever signs Butler WILL have to turnover a #1. Butler is a restricted free agent those are the rules. Pats have the leverage. They hold the cards on Butler. IF Butler does not sign a 3.91 million dollar contract by June 15 he than has to settle for 600K.I think Butler is technically not under contract, because he has not signed the one year sheet offered to him by the Pats. Once he agrees to that offer, he could then be traded.