Jack maybe where you are from its alot different! And thats how it should be...A quick story , a few years ago I was playing basketball in my old neighborhood, it was late at night around 1am actually, well my old neighborhood at one time was very nice...
I`m playing with these highschool kids , and everything is cool , I was about 27 at the time, much removed from the high school scene, anyway we are playing , these high school kids seemed cool, no problems ...well the one kid sees this guy coming across the field about 50 yards away, he goes for his jacket which is sitting off the court, IN THIS 16 YEAR OLD KIDS JACKET IS A FU(KING GUN! I was completely stunned, I left shortly after , it just goes to show you how society has changed here in the USA...
the kid seemed like a decent kid too, and he has a pistol in his coat
whatever happened to settling a difference at the flagpole at 3 pm?
" posted July 01, 2003 06:58 AM
did any of you see a nice kid being stomped by a bully? that nice kid now carries an equalizor.
wtf, is that? Am i reading this one right? So the bully dont carry an "equalizor". How about some AK's and a few hand grenades to solve minor quarrels heh? This gun culture thing is slowly but steadily comming to my home country, and i adhore it.
Im dissapointed in these posts...very low. First of all, him being shot is a rumor right now. (Journeyman you should edit the title of this post). Police are still treating this as a missing persons case, not a homicide.
Joking around about someones death??
I know I joke around about alot of stuff but not death. I know it's wishful thinking but I hope the Kid is ok. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of this soon.
Just wondering how long it will be before there is a shooting of an athlete DURING a high school, college, or even pro sporting event when a player dislikes the call or thinks his opponnent is not giving him enough respect?
My bet would be for it to happen in the NBA first, high school hoops second.
Apparently the coaching staff routinely hung out at the gun counter at the Waco Wal-Mart to prevent athletes from purchasing guns. Someone was asleep at the switch.