mickj said:
My emails were never answered either Doug. I was just wondering what address he used. The only email i got from them was in late March. It said i was in the next group of players to be paid.:kicking: :blowup1:
Are you the biggest sucker, the guy owed like 38 K or so ? The address is meaningless. Tow is best hope. I've seen plenty of dates to be paid by, never happens, little faith in newest one.
I'll go funny. Roberto looks like Rob Reiner ( the Meathead from "All in the family")
It's a cost of being in this dirty business.
Royal bailed me out of Blue Marlin for 6 K, but I can't trust Royal. So basically I still got screwed by Reggie at Blue Marlin, that money went somewhere. I did a 10X rollover at Royal, got the funds from them( not without a hassle). Thank you !
However Reggie still got the original money ! Little is said about these guys, and Apex,etc. Reggie is still a very bad guy, I'd celebrate his death, preferably by a hit.