But if you should happen to forget to BYOB, you can always buy some with the money they will pay you IF YOU'RE PARTYING WITH THEM. This from ac**** the street:
Posts: 303
Joined: Oct 2001
01/30/2004 7:56 PM (NEW!)
I'm down here now and I went on the fishing trip. Everything is on as planned. I even got a payout today for $2500.
Posts: 303
Joined: Oct 2001
01/30/2004 8:03 PM (NEW!)
Yes, I'm serious. I needed somet money to go Gambling and they wrote me a cheque for $2500 and I cashed it at their bank.
Posts: 303
Joined: Oct 2001
01/30/2004 8:08 PM (NEW!)
They're not going crazy with the party blowing everyones money. I paid my own way down and for my hotel. They've been good hosts
picking everyone up at the airport but they're not wasting money. It's a good sign that I got a payout. They have no reason to pay me if they were going to stiff everyone. I'm just a regular client like everybody else.
Posts: 303
Joined: Oct 2001
01/30/2004 8:09 PM (NEW!)
I have 20 dimes in my account so they were just paying me my money.