Enough said. Mods please do your job.
look man, you won..thats all that matters.. is that green..words are just words..u dig?
words on the internet? they mean a tenth ...be bigger than it man
Enough said. Mods please do your job.
Yea...... we should ban everyone who TELLS THE TRUTH!
You said you had "a secret system". I called bullshit as any adult would.
Score never mattered. BULLCRAP pure and simple.
Then other childish simpletons jump in and support you, as we might expect.
Sad that a person over age six would feel it right to post such a play.... worded that way.
Sorry..... guess I should have said the wording was "moronic". Lost track how you might feel third week of the month.
Get over yourself already! What is your problem? Why do you keep harassing sunshine? All he did was post his play and you completely bash him. Totally uncalled for. He posted a play and gets bashed for it when it was losing and still gets bashed when it won? You guys are impossible!