OUTHOUSE or DUMPSTER forum coming soon guys


Active member
Jun 20, 2000
give it some time but I am told they are trying to get this for you guys. I suggested it to them a few days ago...so its on the way they say

[This message was edited by Dante on June 03, 2003 at 11:10 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004

New member
Sep 21, 2004
How long before you guys expect the Shrink to foot the bill for each poster to have his own forum?

We wanted a thread for non-gambling, so they created Offshore.

There was too much noise in offshore, so they created Bookie Talk for more 'serious' issues.

There was too much shit being dumped in Offshore and the sports forum so they created the Rubber Room.

There was too much politically-charged arguing going on in the Offshore, so they created the Politics forum.

Now there's what? Too much crazy, totally unrelated to gambling, politics, bookie issues, or general conversation going on in the Offshore, Bookie, Rubber Room, and Political fora so we're going to create yet another one?

As I said to Shrink a couple of weeks ago, charge for membership and all of this shit will disappear overnight. The Rx won't be dependent upon ad revenue, so it can charge more for the probably improved-quality ad space (after all, paid subscribers are subscribers who have money, possibly enough to post up!) and all of the flamers, ghosts and idiots will run across the street and take a giant Jungian collective dump there instead of here.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> How long before you guys expect the Shrink to foot the bill for each poster to have his own forum?

i'm sure that all those pictures dont cost him anything in bandwidth

New member
Jun 21, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phaedrus:
How long before you guys expect the Shrink to foot the bill for each poster to have his own forum?


It's called progress Dude..

Deal with it..


New member
Sep 21, 2002
alright i ll have the forum next to angelle's
and beanbrain's, on beanbrain's sabbaticals i ll take his forum over and have a mansion instead of a flat.


Outhouse seems like a good move, we 'll see.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
bart, if the Rx admin or a sizable (or small, creditable) number of posters requested me to stop following a tradition which I did not start I would immediately do so. I'm like that.

Which reminds me, haven't posted any pics today. Thanks for the heads-up.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phaedrus(in part):
As I said to Shrink a couple of weeks ago, charge for membership and all of this shit will disappear overnight. The Rx won't be dependent upon ad revenue, so it can charge more for the probably improved-quality ad space (after all, paid subscribers are subscribers who have money, possibly enough to post up!) and all of the flamers, ghosts and idiots will run across the street and take a giant Jungian collective dump there instead of here.



You might be right, you might be wrong. If you are right, does Ken make more money as a result of the memberships? Maybe so and maybe not. If you are wrong, then he loses money..perhaps a lot of money.

In order to do what you suggest, he would be dropping the advertisers. Now you have to rely on membership money--it is like a brand new business venture. You MIGHT be correct, but it is super risky (and not shrewd, IMO) to shut down a prosperous business on a wing and a prayer of starting something else that may or may not succeed.

Just my .02

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I've said it before, and I'll say it again that creating an "outhouse" to dump the trash of the rubber room and other forums is a stupid idea.

The same mentality of people who took over the rubber room will think its "cool" to post in the outhouse, and in 6 months will form a community, just as has happened here, then they will demand a forum for their trash, and so on forever...

No offense to the Rubber Roomers, but if you didn't want a forum where shit is dumped then you shouldn't have built your home in what was intended to be the shit-thread forum.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Might take longer then expected guys....there is a thread about it....so have patience I hope this happens for all of you... I am trying to get it passed thru congress back there

New member
Jun 21, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FunkSoulBrother:
The same mentality of people who took over the rubber room will think its "cool" to post in the outhouse, and in 6 months will form a community, just as has happened here, then they will demand a forum for their trash, and so on forever...

No offense to the Rubber Roomers, but if you didn't want a forum where shit is dumped then you shouldn't have built your home in what was intended to be the shit-thread forum.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There is a price to be paid for growth. You must remember that when the Rubber Room was created, that the majority of the Rubber Room crowd did not exist.
If and when the OUTHOUSE is created, it may bring in a new generation of RX posters. Which means more growth.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Funk
There is a price to be paid for growth. You must remember that when the Rubber Room was created, that the majority of the Rubber Room crowd did not exist.
If and when the OUTHOUSE is created, it may bring in a new generation of RX posters. Which means more growth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perhaps then now that you all exist it is time for you to join the regular RX community and stop hanging out in our trashbin so a new generation can spawn here.

I still contend that a dumpster for a dumpster is a bad idea. And that isn't an attack on the people here, its just that you literally took up home in a dumpster, and now you want running water and a garbage man and cable TV.

New member
Jun 21, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FunkSoulBrother:

Perhaps then now that you all exist it is time for you to join the regular RX community and stop hanging out in our trashbin so a new generation can spawn here.



Here is a sample of a Community Forum posting.

Yes But this is a CONTEST....So basically you piITS A CONTEST MORONS....A LOSING RECORD SHOULD NOT BE A WINNER! 400 games you win 200 and as long as your dogs come in you win GIVE ME A BREAK!


IMO: The sports forums contain more garbage than the Rubber Room...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
hamon y juevos ~

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>You might be right, you might be wrong. If you are right, does Ken make more money as a result of the memberships? Maybe so and maybe not. If you are wrong, then he loses money..perhaps a lot of money.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Every premise begins from the dual possibility that one might be right, or wrong in forming the premise.

I don't know what Ken brings in in ad revenues, so I really can't say. But I'm not suggesting he drops advertising (although if subscriber revenue was sufficient he might) what I am suggesting is that the value of his advertising space will almost certainly increase to the advertisers.

The reason for this, is that page views are currently used as a factor (one of several) in determining how effective advertising is at the Rx. It follows a logical path akin to, if x number of people view, then y might click it and z might actually drop some dough. z is naturally a very very very small number compared to x yet advertisers still see the benefit to advertising here -- possibly due to the sheer brute force number of views an average ad gets here currently.

But --

Charge for membership and 99% of the dipshit poster children for abortion that pollute the Rx would vanish like the staff of a Mexican restaurant in Brownsville, TX when somebody at the front door yells "Immigracion'!" What you then have left over are:

1) People who are serious about gambling, and/or really sincerely interested in the overall Rx community (which I personally feel has grown to be more about gambling, and not just in a big-titty, spread-cheeky kind of way, but a genuine community way.)

2) People who have, and presumably use, credit cards, Neteller, e-gold, whatever it is the Shrink uses as a pay medium for membership.

3) People who are annoyed by bullshit and who are willing to fork over a reasonable, even if nominal, amount of dough in order to enjoy a relatively bullshit-free environment, rather than just spend time dawdling at M/a/j/o/r/W/a/g/e/r or other free-to-join places.

These people make great advertising targets, and not just for sportsbooks, but for other product and service providers related even tangentially to the gambling arena, including travel companies, Internet providers, banks, offshore service companies, various leisure enterprises etc. Therefore, the perceived and possibly actual value of the advertising space that the Shrink owns and offers to advertisers goes up in value, as the space is going to pretty much stay the same but the people and companies interested in using it might well increase, possibly dramatically so over time.

There might be new contest sponsors, Rx-exclusive product and service promotions, etc., leading to a higher perceived value in ponying up the dough for an Rx membership -- resulting in an increase in membership revenues. As you can see, the potential is not only for a generous upside to Ken, but even a potentially synergistic value addition fed by the increased quality of the site and increased value of the ad space creating two revenue streams where there once was one.

And it would not be a *new* venture -- the Rx is a well-established figure in the gambling industry; I even know people in Costa Rica with nothing to do with gambling at all who know who the Shrink is and what the Rx is. A relatively minor change that has some element of risk, but which also has the notable feature of being reversible, would not be that big of a deal imho.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phaedrus:
bart, if the Rx admin or a sizable (or small, creditable) number of posters requested me to stop following a tradition which _I did not start_ I would immediately do so. I'm like that.

Which reminds me, haven't posted any pics today. Thanks for the heads-up.


i dont want anyone to stop....just pointing out a fact....the pics take up b.w. and cost money

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