Yes if FVCKING blows....been on it for six years and HATE it. The hours and the job. I cant find a decent job that pays anything close to what I make now that has day hours or even a 3-11..etc and I am enslaved by debt so I cant take to much of a paycut or I would..IMMEDIATELY.
I basically dont see anyone during the week. All my friends have day jobs, my ex left me partly cause of my schedule, and you cant meet girls working this shift...You are RIGHT it is a SHIT SHIFT.
Actually, it's not bad if it's a 3 day sched with the night time raise increase. But I have no idea. If it's anything over 4 days a week, yes that is brutal.
Used to work 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Had to use speed to stay up all night. 3 on 2 off, 2 on 3 off type deal.. Will put a man in an early grave. Never Again. Have gotten too old.