My air conditioning in my apartment sucks!!! I just recently noticed that the fan from the unit outside generates and blows out cooler air then the ducts in the apartment. Is this normal?
My air conditioning in my apartment sucks!!! I just recently noticed that the fan from the unit outside generates and blows out cooler air then the ducts in the apartment. Is this normal?
My air conditioning in my apartment sucks!!! I just recently noticed that the fan from the unit outside generates and blows out cooler air then the ducts in the apartment. Is this normal?
Make sure that the condensation pipe is draining without interference
The inflow for that pipe is on top of your unit within the apartment. If water is collecting there (maybe a wet floor inside the AC closet or carpet nearby), that's certainly an indicator.
The outflow for that pipe should be outside near your compressor, either a white PVC pipe hanging off the wall of the building or maybe poking up out of the ground.
My air conditioning in my apartment sucks!!! I just recently noticed that the fan from the unit outside generates and blows out cooler air then the ducts in the apartment. Is this normal?
1st off thats impossible unless its hotter in your house than it is outside and if thats the case ughhhhhhh you have no a/c, im afraid its seriously that cant be unless u have no functioning a/c at all...
If you want to F with it get the model number off of it so we know what we got and we'll look at a few things u can do urself...