Oscar gets slammed

Sorry libs----The anti-war infomercial (otherwise known as this years Oscars) had their lowest ratings in history. I guess Frenchie must not be a "neilson" family. I am shocked though...that whole duct tape-peace pin thing should've been a sure-fire draw.
Razz,i watch the Oscars because of my love of film,not to be politacally educated.
In fairness to "hollywood" they booed M. Moore off the stage.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
and that is a shock. la is just full of gay liberal movie stars. lol

"dont take life so serious, you wont be getting out of here alive"
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Judge Wapner:
Razz,i watch the Oscars because of my love of film,not to be politacally educated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Me too Judge. Just couldn't resist takin a shot at the libs.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Michael Moore is just a piece of crap and I'm for one glad people had to balls to boo him. He looked a little shaken by the response afterwards in a press conference. I use to just hate him when he appeared on politically incorrect. Speaking of, has Bill Maher taken an about turn? Happen to watch part of his new show on HBO and it seems he's a little bit mindful about what he says. He's not the inciteful leftwing as before. Maybe his show being cancelled was a wake up call. As for Michael Moore i hope that fat phvck gets a heart attack soon or chokes on a ham sandwich.

I'm glad the oscars got a low rating. It's nothing more than a self serving ego trip for morons that, if it wasn't for movies or tv, would be nothing more than waiters and waitresses. Hollywood is so full of themselves.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
M.Moore is the exact thing that makes the antiwar movment so disengenuis..He starts talking about 2000 election..proof positive that it is an antbush and not antiwar crowwd.
>full of gay liberal movie stars

This may shock some:
But I enjoy the "arts" and where would the arts be without gays? Remember I live in SoCal and one's gayness isnt hidden... My eldest son and daughter were musically inclined and both had the same teacher (he is gay) and I trusted both of my children with him without a hesitation. The man is still a family friend.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
Actually like Michael Moore.Roger and Me was brilliant.Met him once.Nice guy with a great sense of humour.Was working on his trailer for "The Big One".He went through this whole speeech about thanking us for all of our hard work.When he got to the end,I said aww,go **** yourself.The entire set went quiet until he burst out laughing.As to his latest movie,I can't comment because I haven't seen it.Like him or hate him,we need people like him in America,because we do need the voice of dissent.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Garg. i have seen maher once since he is on hbo. i thought he was the same smarmy little fxck that needs to be slapped..I wrote to hbo and told them i was going to drop their service if they did not get rid of him.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Very good post Judge!!


"The more you know, the more you know you don't know sh!t!"

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Michael Moore has a right to dissent and everyone who booed him has the same rights. Good for all the people who booed.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

The hypocrisy with Michael Moore is that he has 'made a living' by being dissentful. Tell him to give back all the money he's made by making these films and see what kind of response you get from him. It's okay to make money by having dissenting views against everything that is American. Try doing that in Iraq and see if he would be handed an Oscar. Have Michael Moore go to Iraq and make a movie Saddam and Me and see how far that gets him. He won't do it because he's a coward.
Gar,I see your point.But I still believe people like Michael Moore as well as the people that booed him,are what makes America what it is.And you can't tell me Roger and me wasn't funny as well as poignant.Still one of my favorite movies.
When your adversary is making a fool of himself... Stand outta the way.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Judge, i agree you need a voice of decent but MM is a fraud. He hates coorperate america when he is a coorparation himself, these robin Hood liberals kill me, creating victims then making money from the concept, what an advertizing campign.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Then goes to the oscars to get an award for an anti gun movie, when all the plastic bastards have bodygurds with guns..(Don't dod as I do do as I say)
I agree with you 100% goyle. I do love the protesters though. I think they provide a substantial degree of humor in these otherwise troubled times. Personally I like the one that took a header off the Golden Gate bridge or the ones that pissed off that motorist who got out and started whoopin ass. Gotta work on the chanting though. "no blood for oil" and "tell the truth"..pathetic. When it comes to the chants, this IS our grandfathers war. You'd think in a modern war they'd come up with some modern slogans. Maybe we could get Jessie Jackson and Johnie Cochran to teach a anti-war-chant101 class this coming spring semester. I can hear 'em now..."If it doesn't fit...join the French and quit".

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