I dont tail as a habbit..you tail..you fail
Got like 2500 hundred post though fairly new here...I have tailed like 5 games on this forum...
Saw your thread..you seem a likeable character so a little birdy told me ahh put 50 bucks on this guys pick...
Does not sound like alot but thats a $105 swing in my account..
I would not have touched this game if not for this thread...
We had to sweat it out till the very end..and even got a very nice catch from the left fielder..
When you go to sleep tonight..you can know for a fact that you made some anonymous guy on this forum 50 bucks:toast:..and 50 bucks is 50 bucks..
Thanks for the winner!..The Menace
<TABLE border=1><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap>
22017757-1 </TD><TD noWrap>8/13/2008 6:44 PM </TD><TD noWrap>Money Line </TD><TD noWrap align=right>55.00 </TD><TD noWrap align=right>50.00 </TD><TD noWrap>Baseball - 921 Baltimore Orioles -110 for 1st 5 Innings </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>