[h=2]'Go away, you shouldn't be here. Don't come back': SUE REID describes how a teenage boy in Islamic robes SPAT at her in the corner of Yorkshire that has almost no white residents [/h]
There are almost no white residents to be found in Savile Town. A detailed breakdown of the last census of 2011 recorded that only 48 of the 4,033 people living here were white British. Stand in Savile Town, as I have, and you will see scores of boys in Islamic robes walking to and from lessons at the mosque's madrasah school, where for hours at a time they rote-learn the Koran by heart. And, distressingly, every girl I saw - even those of six and seven playing in the park - was wrapped up in a hijab and shoulder-to-toe-gown lest a man glimpse her flesh.