Only people who pay taxes should be allowed to vote.


Aug 17, 2008
Why should somebody who doesn't contibute to the system be allowed to vote and determine how we run this country? If John Doe is on Welfare, why should his vote count just the same as the CEO of a major company?

I understand that if you are 18 and in the Military you can lose your life and therefore you should be able to vote, but what about the 20 year old liberal arts college girl who has never worked a day in her life and has not seen the real world?

If you are 18 and in the Army, you are a full time worker and tax payer. If your parents pay to send you to college to take theatre classes, you don't contribute to the system ( yet if ever) and should not be able to vote until you contibute to the system via your W2. Look at all of these kids who supported democrats in college and went with the whole " free money" promises until they actually got a job and started paying taxes. Yeah, having 1/3 of your money ripped out of your paycheck isn't fun is it?

Welfare, former felons, college kids etc. who shouldn't be voting, wouldn't be.

As flawed as it was, in the past you had to be a land owner to vote, because renters and other short term farm hands and workers could just out vote the land owners out of their land/money.

In the past you also had to pass tests to prove that you could read, write, and were educated on the candidates. Why should some stupid American idol watching idiot be able to go vote for Candidate "change" because they like how he talks on TV and they like his 3000 dollar Italian suits? Those are horrible reasons to vote for a person.

Rome is burning.

Aug 17, 2008
I meant to say that a lot of full time college students vote democrat and believe in handouts, giving other people's money to the poor etc., but once they start working, those taxes aren't so cool anymore. Once the Government starts taking YOUR paycheck, you don't like it. Now not all of these college kid democrats convert to Republicans, but a lot do. After getting raped on those first few paychecks, you want to take that Di(K out of your azz.

It makes me sick to my stomach that a leach on welfare that doesn't even know who the candidates are can go walk into the booth and vote just the same as a professor in Polysci, a corporate exec or an accountant who works 80 hours per week.

It also annoys be that certain political parties pander to signing up college kids, former felons, and people on welfare to " get out and vote"... " Make your voice heard". I mean, if you really need MTV to tell you to get off your ass and vote, how much interest do you have in politics? How much do you know about the candidates? If somebody has to push and push and push you to vote, you shouldn't be voting anyway. We are actually lucky that too many ( dumb, lazy, uneducated) people won't go out and vote.

Sep 21, 2001
It's a tremendous point - all these mutts that pay no taxes con afford to vote for Obama - there are no repercussions - no 28% capital gains or 39% dividend tax breathing down their neck

New member
Sep 21, 2004
How about a housewife (or househusband?) that stays home to take care of the kids? She doesn't get to vote? Wat about retirees? How much does one have to there a certain income level?

Aug 17, 2008
Come on, this isn't meant to push women out of the voting booths.

If you are a married housewife staying home with the kids, you don't fall in the leach that doesn't provide a benefit to society category. I was going to push that into my original post but here is my rebuttal.

A housewife might be considered part of a joint tax return for the family etc. In effect the husband is supporting her financially, but she is supporting the kids/house etc. and they AS A WHOLE they pay taxes.

Retirees paid into the sytem for years and still pay taxes.

The point is that the deadbeat welfare leach, the former felon, the anthropology 201 student etc. don't put anything into the system and therefore should not determine how to run the system.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
How about a housewife (or househusband?) that stays home to take care of the kids? She doesn't get to vote? Wat about retirees? How much does one have to there a certain income level?

Whatever it is, people should not be allowed to rape the public trough for their own selfish benefit.

But then as a staunch Obama supporter you obviously believe the framers advocated socialism.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
C-Gold;5670643 [quote said:
It also annoys be that certain political parties pander to signing up college kids, former felons, and people on welfare to " get out and vote"... " Make your voice heard". I mean, if you really need MTV to tell you to get off your ass and vote, how much interest do you have in politics? How much do you know about the candidates? If somebody has to push and push and push you to vote, you shouldn't be voting anyway. We are actually lucky that too many ( dumb, lazy, uneducated) people won't go out and vote.

Wait till cut across shorty reads this.

Sep 21, 2004
I think you should have to pass an IQ test to vote.

Oh, and by the way there is no "right" to vote in a Federal
Election in our Constitution.
Sep 21, 2004
Democrats would gladly take that. Do you really want all those "elitists", like college professors and those pesky scientists to decide elections?:nohead:

Democrats would gladly take that.

Um, oh no they wouldn't. Not even close to being factual.

Aug 17, 2008
Regardless of how the demographics of the new policy play out, don't want you want an almost like certification to vote?

One might carefully invest in reading the newspaper everyday, watching TV debates, and critically think about the issues.

Another person might choose not to work, watch Jerry Springer and MTV all day and then vote for Messiah candidate "B" because he is their favorite political American Idol.

I just don't think being 18 and born in America is good enough.

If you want to create a basic test on the candidates, history, economics, world affairs etc. I could listen to that.

but at the very least you should have to contribute to the system ( via taxes) to have ownership and voting rights on the system.

Aug 17, 2008
Californa, NY, NJ. MI, PA, MA.

Look at all of the people in NJ and NY that retire and move down to NC or FL where they don't get killed with those high tax rates.

Look at the thousands of people from Mass who moved to NH with no state income tax.

Look at how many people and businesses are moving out of California to lower tax states. I want to say Toyota just moved a huge plant out of SF to a much more business friendly Alabama.

If somebody has a PHD in elementry education or a Masters in 18th century Polish literature are they really smarter than a small business owner in North Carolina or a farmer in Iowa who manages hundreds of acres of land?

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