Unless I am wrong, I don't know think he has a prior rap sheet or not. I am not defending his poor decision making and yes he need's to be punished. But I do know there is a possability for a misdemenor, and or 3 1-2 to 7 yr sentance, which seems a little harsh for someone who has never been in trouble w the law. The ny mayor wnat's his head on a platter and the media sounds pretty much the same. Is this guy and his incident at the club the biggest thing on this mayor's agenda? Is Plexico really this bad of a guy? The idiot shot himself, hurt no one else but himself and it sounds like in the media that he is some serial killer or some monster that need's his life ruined so people feel better about themselves. I don't condone breaking the law, which I know none of you have ever done, but this whole scenario seem's to bo getting a little more attention that it need's. GL Plexico, and the LIONS will sign you next yr........lol