On this, my final post in online gambling forums, I have the following message for you gentlemen


New member
Sep 21, 2004
It is regarding the whole sick gambler playing one forum off the other thing. I would just like to say first that if the moderators want to go ahead and delete this, go ahead but I think this is an important post. I haven't posted here at the RX in over a month and I have no intention of causing any trouble here at all.

Sick Gambler is a decent human being, in fact I would say that he is a great guy and I am pleased to be able to call him my friend. I have not spoken with him in some time, I think about three weeks now, and he has no idea that I am going to make this post. I swear on my dead mothers grave that he didn't ask me to post anything here today, and I am doing it on my own accord.

As I said, sick gambler is a great guy. When I first came into these forums, I was about as square as square could be. I'm talking 1000 times that of beantownjim or dell dude. I was talking crap about betting 180k on a CFL game, and how I was a high school superstar wide receiver. Well sick gambler saw behind the obvious attention seeking and realized that I was a nice guy looking to make it in this business somehow, gambling has always been a major interest of mine.

I first spoke to sick gambler after he managed to get me reinstated at the RX after the whole Olympic stunt I pulled, which I will address later. He was just calling me to warn me and tell me to straighten up and tow the line or he wouldn't call Ken again to unban me. Well after this we eventually got to talking gambling and hockey and I asked him for advice on how to become a scalper and actually make money doing this. The first thing he told me is to always have lots and lots of safe outs to bet with. I listed all the books I played with and as soon as I mentioned NAB, he told me to get my money out, it would be the next book to go bankrupt. If you remember they were offering this 50 for 50 bonus and it looked kind of suspicious to me also, so I did what he said. He said it very quietly and matter of factly, and also told me to get my money, if I had any, out of betSBA, because it was obvious to us both that they used the same lines and software. Well seeing as what happened right before Superbowl with betSBA I think he has been vindicated.

Gentlemen this sick gambler guy is a nice guy. He taught me much about the business of scalping and how this business works and although I put on a good show, I am not a square anymore. Other things this guy has done, for example: one time we were talking abou the Sopranos, a show that we both watch and I mentioned that I had missed the episode with Ralphie getting chopped up in, and without hesitation he offered to FedEx me a tape of the show, on him. Another thing I remember is that one time we were talking about Crazy Jivin' Ivan, and sick gambler told me , "vega, i feel sorry for the kid he keeps track of his plays and he's an nice kid who doesn't make much money and he's on a big losing streak. I am going to give him a referral bonus to cheer him up." And sure as shit sick gambler did just that.

The reason I am writing this is because sick gambler is being made out to be a monster who was in cahoots with Bill from NAB, and I can tell you for 100% certain that this is not the case.

As a footnote I would like to address the Olympic thing I pulled. I didnt' mean to lie and drag the forum and my name through the mud like I did, and I really mean that. Just look at what I pulled with worldwager.com at Majorwager a few nights ago, I am a harmless kid who thinks he's a lot funnier than he really is. The whole Olympic thing was meant to be an innocent joke, really, and it just got out of hand.

Thanks to the mods for not deleting this (uncle B)

I would like to apologize to Peep for lying to him about the Olympic incident, I would like to apologize to you all for it from the bottom of my heart. Goodday to you gentlemen.

Good post Vega, thanks.

I don't see sick as a monster at all. I feel he betrayed a trust, thats it.

The rest i brought back to the top, in response to his repeated mudslinging of myself, Ken, Peep, Dante and many other posters here, that i view as my friends.

I also have a good deal of respect for Russ from MajorWager, and to see the way he manipulates Russ and Ken, and plays them against eachother, is disgusting to me.

Sick gambler , the person, may be just what you describe.
Sick gambler, the poster i have seen the last few months, is nobody i care to know .

Either way, good post from you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"I listed all the books I played with and as soon as I mentioned NAB, he told me to get my money out, it would be the next book to go bankrupt."

While he was shilling for them on the forums.

Figures that his best friend is a dirt bag who tried to destroy Olympic with a lie.

"The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger
I have always liked sick MOST of the time he's a great guy...I liked his long posts...they were usually funny and I felt I could joke with him. I know for a fact I never said anything that bad about him in the boardroom...he can believe what he wants...thats up to him

that olympic thing was supposed to be a joke ?

well my friend, probably one of the most reputable books out there, if not the best one, left rx because of that <joke>.

now ken has to <welcome> those tiny unknown books every now and then to generate some additional income.

maybe i'm wrong, but welcoming olympic was the best thing that happened to rx in quite some time, and you ruined it.

maybe i'm wrong, maybe this is none of my business, but this is just my 2 cents.

BASES BallS KinGS A game LOL. PEpe stils a POny. L fvcking ol.
But I thought you were that JOUNEY character so why should I even read your post?
Who are you really?
Perhaps as human being in the outer world, he might be a nice guy but in terms of posting, Im disappointed with him and his harem of clowns that I believe includes you, vega.

The only thing I can thank you guys for is introducing such a sick side of human nature to us all. Perhaps it'll come useful later on in life, who knows.

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