On the Ground in Fallujah.


New member
Jul 20, 2002

What I can report from Falluja is that there is no ceasefire, and apparently there never was. Iraqi women and children are being shot by American snipers. Over 600 Iraqis have now been killed by American aggression, and the residents have turned two football fields into graveyards. Ambulances are being shot by the Americans. And now they are preparing to launch a full-scale invasion of the city.

All of which is occurring under the guise of catching the people who killed the four Blackwater Security personnel and hung two of their bodies from a bridge.

I knew there was very little media coverage in Fallujah, and the entire city had been sealed and was suffering from collective punishment in the form of no water or electricity for several days now.
With only two journalists there that I'd read and heard reports from, I felt pulled to go and witness the atrocities that were surely being committed.

With the help of some friends, we joined a small group of internationals to ride a large bus there carrying a load of humanitarian supplies, and with the hopes of bringing some of the wounded out prior to the next American onslaught, which was due to kick off at any time now.

Even leaving Baghdad now is dangerous. The military has shut down the main highway between here and Jordan. The highway, even while just outside Baghdad, is desolate and littered with destroyed fuel tanker trucks -- their smoldering shells littered the highway. We rolled past a large M-1 Tank that was still burning under an overpass which had just been hit by the resistance.

At the first U.S. checkpoint the soldiers said they'd been there for 30 hours straight. After being searched, we continued along bumpy dirt roads, winding our way through parts of Abu Ghraib, steadily but slowly making our way towards besieged Falluja. While we were passing one of the small homes in Abu Ghraib, a small child yelled at the bus, "We will be mujahedeen until we die!"

We slowly worked our way back onto the highway. It was strewn with smoking fuel tankers, destroyed military tanks and armored personnel carriers, and a lorry that had been hit that was currently being looted by a nearby village, people running to and from the highway carrying away boxes. It was a scene of pure devastation, with barely any other cars on the road.

Once we turned off the highway, which the U.S. was perilously holding onto, there was no U.S. military presence visible at all as we were in mujahedeen-controlled territory. Our bus wound its way through farm roads, and each time we passed someone they would yell, "God bless you for going to Falluja!" Everyone we passed was flashing us the victory sign, waving, and giving the thumbs-up.

As we neared Falluja, there were groups of children on the sides of the road handing out water and bread to people coming into Falluja. They began literally throwing stacks of flat bread into the bus. The fellowship and community spirit was unbelievable. Everyone was yelling for us, cheering us on, groups speckled along the road.

As we neared Falluja a huge mushroom caused by a large U.S. bomb rose from the city. So much for the cease-fire.

The closer we got to the city, the more mujahedeen checkpoints we passed -- at one, men with kefir around their faces holding Kalashnikovs began shooting their guns in the air, showing their eagerness to fight.

The city itself was virtually empty, aside from groups of mujahedeen standing on every other street corner. It was a city at war. We rolled towards the one small clinic where we were to deliver our medical supplies from INTERSOS, an Italian NGO. The small clinic is managed by Mr. Maki Al-Nazzal, who was hired just 4 days ago to do so. He is not a doctor.

He hadn't slept much, along with all of the doctors at the small clinic. It started with just three doctors, but since the Americans bombed one of the hospitals, and were currently sniping people as they attempted to enter/exit the main hospital, effectively there were only 2 small clinics treating all of Falluja. The other has been set up in a car garage.

As I was there, an endless stream of women and children who'd been sniped by the Americans were being raced into the dirty clinic, the cars speeding over the curb out front as their wailing family members carried them in.

One woman and small child had been shot through the neck -- the woman was making breathy gurgling noises as the doctors frantically worked on her amongst her muffled moaning.

The small child, his eyes glazed and staring into space, continually vomited as the doctors raced to save his life.

After 30 minutes, it appeared as though neither of them would survive.

One victim of American aggression after another was brought into the clinic, nearly all of them women and children.

This scene continued, off and on, into the night as the sniping continued. As evening approached the nearby mosque loudspeaker announced that the mujehadeen had completely destroyed a U.S. convoy. Gunfire filled the streets, along with jubilant yelling. As the mosque began blaring prayers, the determination and confidence of the area was palpable.

One small boy of 11, his face covered by a kefir and toting around a Kalashnikov that was nearly as big as he was, patrolled areas around the clinic, making sure they were secure. He was confident and very eager for battle. I wondered how the U.S. soldiers would feel about fighting an 11 year-old child? For the next day, on the way out of Falluja, I saw several groups of children fighting as mujahedeen.

After we delivered the aid, three of my friends agreed to ride out on the one functioning ambulance for the clinic to retrieve the wounded. Although the ambulance already had three bullet holes from a U.S. sniper through the front windshield on the driver's side, having westerners on board was the only hope that soldiers would allow them to retrieve more wounded Iraqis. The previous driver was wounded when one of the sniper's shots grazed his head.

Bombs were heard sporadically exploding around the city, along with random gunfire.

It grew dark, so we ended up spending the night with one of the local men who had filmed the atrocities. He showed us footage of a dead baby who he claimed was torn from his mother's chest by Marines. Other horrendous footage of slain Iraqis was shown to us as well.

My entire time in Falluja, there was the constant buzzing of military drones. As we walked through the empty streets towards the house where we would sleep, a plane flew over us and dropped several flares. We ran for a nearby wall to hunker down, afraid it was dropping cluster bombs. There had been reports of this, as two of the last victims that arrived at the clinic were reported by the locals to have been hit by cluster bombs -- they were horribly burned and their bodies shredded.

It was a long night-between being sick from drinking unfiltered water and the nagging concern of the full invasion beginning, I didn't sleep. Each time I would begin to slip into sleep, a jet would fly over and I wondered if the full scale bombing would commence. Meanwhile, the drones continued to buzz throughout Falluja.

The next morning we walked back to the clinic, and the mujahedeen in the area were extremely edgy, expecting the invasion anytime. They were taking up positions to fight. One of my friends who'd done another ambulance run to collect two bodies said that a Marine she encountered had told them to leave, because the military was about to use air support to begin 'clearing the city.' One of the bodies they brought to the clinic was that of an old man who was shot by a sniper outside of his home, while his wife and children sat wailing inside.

The family couldn't reach his body, for fear of being sniped by the Americans themselves. His stiff body was carried into the clinic with flies swarming above it.

The already insane situation continued to degrade, and by the time the wounded from the clinic were loaded onto our bus and we prepared to leave, everyone felt the invasion was looming near. American bombs continued to fall not far from us, and sporadic gunfire continued. Jets were circling the outskirts of the city.

We drove out, past loads of mujahedeen at their posts along the streets. In a long line of vehicles loaded with families, we slowly crept out of the embattled city, passing several military vehicles on the outskirts town.

When we took a wrong turn at one point and tried to go down a road controlled by a different group of mujeheen, we were promptly surrounded by men cocking their weapons and aiming them at us. The doctors and patients on board explained to them we were coming from Falluja and on a humanitarian aid mission, so they let us go.

The trip back to Baghdad was slow, but relatively uneventful. We passed several more smoking shells of vehicles destroyed by the freedom fighters; more fuel tankers, more military vehicles destroyed.

What I can report from Falluja is that there is no ceasefire, and apparently there never was. Iraqi women and children are being shot by American snipers. Over 600 Iraqis have now been killed by American aggression, and the residents have turned two football fields into graveyards. Ambulances are being shot by the Americans. And now they are preparing to launch a full-scale invasion of the city.

All of which is occurring under the guise of catching the people who killed the four Blackwater Security personnel and hung two of their bodies from a bridge.

* Dahr Jamail is Baghdad correspondent for The NewStandard. He is an Alaskan devoted to covering the untold stories from occupied Iraq. You can help Dahr continue his crucial work in Iraq by making donations. For more information or to donate to Dahr, visit http://newstandardnews.net/iraqdispatches

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I noticed that a sudden news blackout hit the official news sites where Falluja was concerned.

Its been 3 days since the BBC did diddly shit on the place apart from the usual sweeping generalisations that a fourteen year old could write from his bedroom.


US prepares to attack Sadr forces
(Tuesday, 13 April, 2004)

US forces' mission is to "kill or capture Moqtada Sadr"
US troops near the Iraqi city of Najaf are preparing for an offensive against the forces of Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr.
Iraqi security forces are in control of the southern city after militia loyal to Mr Sadr withdrew from police stations and government buildings.

Gen John Abizaid, head of US Central Command, has said US forces' mission was to "kill or capture Moqtada Sadr".

Meanwhile, the US-led coalition said about 40 hostages from 12 countries are currently being held in Iraq.

The coalition also says the alleged leader of al-Qaeda operations in Iraq, Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, is believed to be in the area around Falluja, where clashes have continued despite a ceasefire.

'Ready for sacrifice'

A Polish officer controlling the Najaf region told the BBC that American combat troops were close to the city and were preparing for an offensive against the forces of Mr Sadr, who had taken up positions close to Najaf.


1. Falluja - More clashes in area between US forces and Sunni insurgents. US Apache helicopter crashes after being hit by a rocket
2. Baghdad - Eight Russian hostages released. US forces release senior aide of Moqtada Sadr
3. Najaf - Insurgents reportedly withdrawing from local government buildings

Lt Col Robert Streleski confirmed that non-US coalition forces were working alongside the Iraqi police to patrol the city.

Mr Sadr said on Tuesday he was willing to die for his campaign to end the occupation of the coalition.

"I am ready to sacrifice [myself] and I call on the [Iraqi] people not to allow my death to cause the collapse of the fight for freedom and an end to the occupation," he told Lebanon's al-Manar television.

Further clashes between US forces and Sunni insurgents have been reported near Falluja.

Mr Senor said US forces near Falluja were hunting al-Qaeda suspect Mr al-Zarqawi in what he described as a robust manner.

There is no genuine transfer of power... They say freedom and democracy and yet they appoint a governor

Moqtada Sadr

Sadr TV interview

A US Apache helicopter crashed between Falluja and Abu Ghraib after being hit by a rocket.

The US military said three people were wounded, and the helicopter was later destroyed.

One US marine was reported killed and seven others wounded in fighting on Tuesday outside Falluja.

Journalist taken

Foreign nationals are being urged to flee Iraq as governments and private companies react to growing insecurity and a wave of kidnappings.


4 Italians
3 Japanese
3 Czechs
1 American
1 Canadian
1 Israeli Arab
1 French

Timeline: Hostages in Iraq

In the latest development, the French foreign ministry confirmed a French journalist had been taken hostage.

Earlier, al-Jazeera television showed a video of four Italian men who have been abducted, surrounded by armed men.

France and Germany have issued formal warnings urging citizens to leave, and the British Foreign Office continues to advise against all but the most essential travel to Iraq.

Russia's biggest contractor in Iraq, Tekhpromexport, is pulling its 370 staff out of Iraq amid security concerns.

A number of other foreigners have been taken hostage or reported missing in Iraq, including three Japanese citizens abducted last Thursday whose fate remains unknown.

But other hostages have been released. Three Russian and five Ukrainian engineers abducted by insurgents in Baghdad were freed unharmed on Tuesday.

And seven Chinese men seized near the flashpoint town of Falluja on Sunday were also released after being held for a day.

As the kidnap dramas continued to unfold, US military commanders in Iraq asked for two more brigades of mobile combat troops to deal with the volatile situation on the ground.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Let's ALL aweeeeeeeeeeeeee!

It seems like you and only you real gives a rats ass about IRAQIE bitches (kunts) and thew new GENERATION TERRIOSTS (kids) getting killed by American snipers.

The snipers need to practice, and what a better way to do that.Kill the women so they can't make baby tereriosts and kill the kids before they are 5 years old and holding the bomb in their mall getting ready to go puff.Oh I forgot the 2nd class citizens don't have a mall.

President Bush did not lie and he is carrying the torch right into one of the greatest counries in the world IRAQ.He has said that he will fill up atleast 10 graveyards of F-BALL fields with mostly KUNTS and baby terrorists (kids).The man is doing the right thing! For every Iraqie women thats breath is cut off, the snipers are getting a 2-1.THAT is a bargain, kill the kunt and she can't have kids.

I heard the aso's in this fricken forum going down hill , crying Vietnam in the sand in the middle east with OUR favorite people--Arabs or Muslims.I really wish it was NAM because more innocent MUSLIMS or say useless would be dieing.There would be more TV time showing WILHIEMS football fields growing in size.This is actually better than NAM.The United States doesn't have sacrafice that many lives.

There are many politicians that can't wait until the United States gets all the land of the great people---Ahabs @ Muslims and build the NEW LAS VAGAS in the sand on their GRAVE YARD.

The United States made a announcement they are moving to slow in the process of killing the mothers and the baby terrorists.They said they need to kill between 25-35 a day and build more graveyards the size of football fields.Is it football season yet? Camps are open? Sure they are the camps are filling up everyday with JOY from many people around the world.

The general said earlier in the week that the United States will continue to be the BULLY of the world and continue killing innocent kunts or woman, and the kids or animals of the muslim or ahab world.Did anybody hear about what acouple of soldiers did to a 40 year old Iraqie man? How is his hands ? He won't be writing any more.He use to have 10 toes, he went down to 7 as the boys just cut the toes right off.The 40 year old mans dinner was his DEAD son.Atleats it was free.

The general also pointed out behind the green door, that the United States, the BIG BULLY and the greatest thing since electricity will continue into Iran,Saudi Arabia and other GREAT MUSLIM nations and kill more kunts or woman and baby terrorist's and make beef jerkeys out of them and feed the homeless in THOSE countries.The main man also pointed out until most of the muslims or ahabs are dead the US army will continue to ruin their world and pile the lumber or body parts up.

We are in for the big haul he said meaning this will continue for the next 8-10 years before the race is GONE and body parts are piled to the roof.Right now they have live women and children confined in a medical building.They are disecting these people alive and also trying to see where these mis-fits went wrong in life.

For all you war haters,pro-muslim lovers,RED CROSS,and Vietnam historians.The war aint ending if you want to call this a war.the killing of the ahabs @ muslims will not stop.The Palestinians will be reunited in Egypt with their mudders and fathers.

As Bush has said the BEST IS YET TO COME!
Keep up the killings and fill the blood bnaks to the max.

thank you folks and enjoy the killings.I love blood and war and hate.
march on boys!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wilheim - posting this unmitigated piece of shit propapganda is a new low for even you.

An unsubstantiated article accusing brave American soldiers of being murderers?

May you burn in Hell.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Dropping bombs from planes at 20,000 feet on civilian areas is not 'brave'.

It is cowardly.

And murderous.

Seeing the planes hit the WTC on 9/11 was sobering and horrifying.

Seeing the U.S. military murder people in sovereign nations is sobering and horrifying.

Please don't shoot the messengers, save your ire for those who kill for political reasons, regardless of nationality.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
nice fantasy moron- which is it, are the iraqis sluaghtering us with our burning hulks littering the land or are the evil americans killing the poor innocent iraqis. All I know is that our snipers are cutting the sad sack insurgents down and there is nothing they can do about it but dream. If you will learn anything from history its that arabs are truly horrible fighters.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Wilheim - posting this unmitigated piece of shit propapganda is a new low for even you.

An unsubstantiated article accusing brave American soldiers of being murderers?

May you burn in Hell <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LMAO - Floyd, I've got news for you, there is no hell.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You are right Wilheim, you just go about 6 feet under, dirt or mud is put on you,preety bugs start to eat off of you, and you sleep real good.Allah is waiting.

How did the American snipers do yesterday? Did they get some Iraqie or muslim targets?

The American Army IS NOT killing enough muslims,ahabs,or Iraqies quick enough.

May the American army get ALL these puppets OIL NOWWWWWW!

Do you really think that ANY MUSLIM is a good not person--thing?

May we continue to attempt to make the MUSLIM race go away!

MARCH ON BOYS---more death of MUSLIMS means a safer world for all NON_MUSLIMS!

As we see and hear again, the SMART ONES or GREAT ONES---------the Einsteins of the world---PALESTINIANS played July 4th again as a thing blows up in Gaza.

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