Although the people in this area have never been treated to seeing the Giants win the World Series since arriving in the late 50's, we have had the pleasure of watching some of the greatest players of all time play in a Giants uniform, namely Willy Mays, Willy McCovey, Orlando Cepeda, Juan Marichal, the Alou brothers, Bobby Bonds and Barry Bonds and others too many to mention.
Being old enough to have seen them all since the time I was a little leaguer, the batting eye of Barry Bonds is something to behold. Even Felipe Alou who played with all the above greats has stated that in his entire lifetime, he has never seen a player with such a keen eye for the location and spin of the ball and be able to decide, in an instant, how to turn on the ball and make contact. According to Alou, if Barry chose to hit to left field, he could get hits all day long because of the shift, but his value is with his power so he maintains his disciplined eye looking for one pitch to drive as his father taught him that it only takes one pitch to get a hit. His patience is remarkable. He changes the way every team has to play against the Giants.
As a footnote, many young people today don't know how great Willy Mays really was. Hitting in Candlestick Park, which in his day had centerfield directly open to the wind coming in from San Francisco Bay, Willy collected 660 home runs. Had he been hitting in any reasonable ball park, I have never doubted that he would currently be at the top of the home run list and Barry would still be chasing him. The relationship between these two is remarkable. Barry having watched his godfather since the age of 4, being mentored by both his father Bobby as well as Willy. Great stuff! Enjoy while you can. It will be along time before we see another hitter with the incredible ability that he possesses. All this being done with seeing but a few pitches, if any, each day. Amazing!