It's early in the tournament and everyone is fairly even (around $1,500). First to act bets $150, next to act raises $200 on top. Everyone folds and I'm last to decide (I'm big blind) .... I'm holding pocket Queens.
I fold.
Sure as sh*t a Queen lands on the flop and these guys are both all-in before the hand is over. I folded mostly in fear that the first bettor could re-raise all in which I wasn't willing to do with just pocket Queens.
So... am I a donkey delux or was I being wisely cautious? What was the correct move in that situation?
I fold.

Sure as sh*t a Queen lands on the flop and these guys are both all-in before the hand is over. I folded mostly in fear that the first bettor could re-raise all in which I wasn't willing to do with just pocket Queens.
So... am I a donkey delux or was I being wisely cautious? What was the correct move in that situation?