Very Good possibility that when Mr. Trump takes office on January 20, 2017 we will see this happen less
bcuz then we will have an actual President who will stand at a Podium and say:
"Whatever it is that is troubling you, whatever has driven you to this decision, there are people that want to try and make the pain, the circumstance within your life that has caused you to feel like you have to do this, less.
Please, to anyone considering doing this, give us a chance to help you, before you do this dead inside you feel there is no thing sadder to have a life come down to that moment when you take "that walk"
that results in you ending the lives of others, from out of nowhere the lives of young people with so much to look forward to...
taken away."
Right Now though what we got (still) is the Islamist who instead will say, from his Podium, words that further till the seeds of disarming US
so that His People, those to whom hie True Allegiance lies, those who live to Serve Allah and establish Sharia Law worldwide
can have an easier path to that.
DJ Trump should just take the fuggin reigns right now
and Tweet out that.......above.
Your Boy Obama could help
stop this
if he cared
for the American People
but he does not.