ohio state? No hard feelings its been a fun thread.


Sep 21, 2004
hey zip, i know something about football and think you are full of crap!! why can't anyone understand that it's DEFENSE not offense that wins championships. if ohio state had played the pathetic schedule that usc had played this year they would easily be #2 because they would be undefeated. i would love for the bucks to have a handful of blowouts under their belts this year but that's not how tressel coaches. it sucks when you want them to cover but as a lifelong fan, the wins in big games are pretty sweet.

Hey Buckeye Todd -

You mean Tressell coaches to beat San Diego State by 3 points, Bowling Green by 7, and Penn State by 1. I don't think he is that big a moron.

What I say is the truth and you know it. You know nothing about football.

Stick to being a "lifelong fan".


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Buckeye Todd. I know you aren't throwing the strength of schedule argument into this.

USC's crappy schedule? Ohio State has played eight games at home, struggling against the likes of Northwestern and San Diego State. You lost one of your three road games, and nearly lost to the worst Penn State team in perhaps its history.

No way Ohio State goes into Auburn and wins. The only decent road game OSU played they lost. This week will be the second loss.

I'm fine with your argument about the defense carrying the team, and when you factor in how absolutely miserable your offense is, I'm even more impressed with what the defense has accomplished.

But leave strength of schedule out of it because part of the reason so many people are against Ohio State is because of their ineptitude in their EIGHT homes games.
What do you get when you line up several Buckeyes ear to ear and blow?

A Windtunnel.

What is the difference between Ohio Stadium and a porcupine?

A porcupine has 85,000 pricks on the outside.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Take this "HOMER" trash talk to the espn message board or somewhere else! It doesn't belong here!!!

Sep 21, 2004
hey zip, just because you played the flute at halftime of your high school games doesn't mean you know football. i can't figure for the life of me why tressel does what he does. any time this team has needed a score with the exception of the wisconsin game, they have scored. when osu played sdst, i thought sdst had a very good defense, not great but good. as far as the penn state game is concerned, i wanted tressel fired on the spot. that was about the most miserable game i have ever watched. most of osu's games this year have been tough to watch. should they be fortunate enough to get a lead at michigan, i certainly hope he doesn't go to the prevent, with the three man rush, like he did against purdue. michigan will eat them up if he does. as i've said before, ohio state will have to play a near perfect game to compete in this game and will need some turnovers to win. fortunately for ohio state fans, michigan struggles with punting the ball and navarre is prone to making some untimely turnovers.

sammy, this thread hasn't been about sharing information from the start. ohio state fans have been known you toot their horns and some of our pals here at the rx can't seem to give them their due.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Listen boys, Ohio State didn't make up the rules. We're ranked #2 based on what we've done THIS YEAR. Last year has nothing to do with it. If Southern Cal was so goddamn good they'd be undefeated. They lost so they are at the mercy of the present system just like tOSU.

All I know is every team squeaks by against inferior teams from time to time but only Ohio State gets dropped in the polls. Georgia struggles to beat UAB and no one says a word. Miami struggled against WVU and again nothing. The Buckeyes struggle against SDSU and drop two spots in the polls. Fine, we'll live with that but don't bitch when the computer rankings give us are just due.

When USC goes undefeated, I'll give them their props. Until then, I'm unimpressed.

I can't wait to hear what you losers have to say after we beat scUM. What are you going to whine about then???

All you clowns that bet scUM and the points will have to get a job at Burger King to supplement your McDonald's income to pay your bookies.

"You win with people."

-Woody Hayes

I don't play any musical instruments, but I have been betting football for 35 years.

Anyway - I think if both teams play their best games that Mich should win by about 7-10 points. BUT - I agree that defense wins games. Mich needs to get ahead early and not let OSU hang around. If they do, they will be in trouble because a close games definately plays into OSU's favor due to their defense and special teams. I think also that Mich may have some "mental baggage" when it comes to the Bucks, which also doesn't help their cause.

CincyFred -

Who's this "we" you are talking about? Are you playing in this game? Anybody who uses "we" in talking about a team shouldn't be predicting anything. The reason that OSU is no 2 is because some computer says that close wins are the same as substantial wins. No one that is unbiased would lay even money on OSU against either Okla, or USC. Which is what we are really talking about here.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I cant believe people are talking about point spreads to determine who the better team is!
What a phukin joke.
When Miami was favored by 14 over the Bucks last year were they they better team?......NO

When the STL Rams were favored by 14 over the Pats were they the better team?......NO

So, all you BUCKEYE haters can kiss my ass!

2 down, 1 to go....Bring on Jokelahoma!!!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Is it just me or is all this talk concerning USC and OSU over looking a very possible scenerio with LSU jumping USC to play Oklahoma.

If LSU wins out that means they beat Mississippi, Arkansas, and Georgia/Tennessee/Florida in the SEC championship game, which would also give them quality win points and the computers would have to love them winning those three games.

If Michigan beats OSU and LSU continuous to win I believe that Oklahoma and LSU will be playing in New Orleans.

I don't think USC would be able to hold off LSU if they win out, but nobody is giving the tigers a chance.

I think the best game will be LSU vs Oklahmoma

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And dont forget....Joklahoma has to play Texas Tech this week. Although it's a long shot, Texas Tech does have a slim chance. OU never plays that well in Lubbock

Sep 20, 2004

Shhhhhhh...keep that shit to yourself.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
once again buckeye and cincy have shown myopia is a dangerous thing!

NO ONE disputes the fact usc is the BETTER team this season. if osu play oklahoma - osu gets run off the field. if usc plays OU - usc would be more competitive - and i say they win!

regardless - ask bookmakers who is better - and they will tell you a usc/osu game sees usc come about -6.5/7

cincy/buckeye - if you don't believe me - would you believe OHIO STATE ALUM kirk herbstreit - who has stated usc is BETTER than osu. notice how i said OSU ALUM kirk herbstreit said usc is better!

and as i have said all along - have a 4-team playoff last season with: miami, osu, usc and georgia and ohio stae does NOT win it all. usc DOES. usc was the BEST team at the end of last season and usc is EASILY the 2nd best this season.

if ou plays osu - ou wins by AT LEAST 3 TDs -MINIMUM!

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Didja catch Herby basically calling Tressel out on game day saying it's o.k. to pass the ball on first down and they don't have a chance if they play offensively like they have been playing. He was basically saying that he thinks Ohio State isn't as good as Michigan. Nice to know not all Buckeye fan have their head's stuck up their ass regarding just how good their team is.

Buckeye fan...I got news for you. This will be your last chance to play for the National Championship under Tressel. Because with Tressel's coaching tactics, you will never again vie for a national championship, unless of course OSU weasles its way into playing EVERY game at home.

OSU has an incredible defense.
OSU has incredible special teams.
OSU has a terrible offense.
OSU has the most conservative coach in college football.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
do you think the players play on the field based on what a damn betting line is , hell no they play for a natl title and they play for th4e chance to play in the nfl, not so they can beat a team and cover the spread. Most of you idiots bashing the bucks are the ones who lost in the spread and hold a grudge for that. Tressel to me is a great coach, wins with his strong suits, conservative yes, but a great coach, he makes his player believe in themselves and they paly there hearts out and there asses off, and that my friends is what wins. We have the talent, we have the heart and determination or we wouldnt have one loss in 2 seasons. The so called "experts" also said michigan would be natl champs this year, and how many loses do they have? The lines are to make people bet and spend money, and some of you idiots fall for it and take them and get burnt in the end and thats why you down play osu. Heirbstriet did call tressel out because he kbnows what hes doing, hes an osu alum and hes trying to get tressel to take some chances. Usc has lost to an inferior team, osu lost to an inferior team, lsu lost to an inferior team, so they all have a weakness, but no one can depend on their defense like you can at osu and thats what gets you the w's. Good point there line breaker if osu loses lsu can jump usc and play for the title.

and by the way osu palyed 6 top 20 teams this year, faced some high powered offenses and still came out on top. And zip, comedy central has a message board for jokes, go there and i didnt know you were a booky and knowing lines for games that wont happen, leave that to professionals. Hardway money, you a handicapper by profession too, if not what do money lines have anything to do with games, like i said, so suckers can lose their money.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
First of all, I've picked against Ohio State on this Forum many times so shove the HOMER comments up your collective asses.

Whether or not Ohio State is the best team in the country is open for debate. What is NOT debatable is that THEY (is using that pronoun OK with you ZIP???) DON'T deserve to be disrespected for winning 23 out of 24 games over the last 2 years like they have been on this forum. They deserve their props for what they've accomplished.

I honestly and objectively feel that OU and Southern Cal would NOT win by three TDs over Ohio State. Would both of them beat Ohio State??? Perhaps. By 3 TDs??? No phuckin' way and I put money on it. You wouldn't find a gambler on the planet that would bet against tOSU +21 against OU or USC. If anyone has balls enough to give me 21 points against both of those teams, I'll take it.

"They go for the ballgame. Touchdown!! Touchdown!! Michael Jenkins. On 4th and 1. Would you believe it??? HOLY BUCKEYE!!!"

-Brent Musburger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Any USC backers bitching about OSU jumping USC shouldn't look any further than the USC loss to California. IF USC wins there is no argument. It's their own fault.

OSU loses at Wisconsin 7-4
USC loses at California 6-6.

Nuff said.

IMO - It won't matter because Michigan is going to beat OSU this weekend. Michigan is playing the best (besides Oklahoma) right now and the Wolves would give Oklahoma the best game.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Winky My Man

Do you get high on your own supply??? LOL First let me say one thing, USC probably is better than Ohio State this year. But can you truthfully based on schedule (since they both have the same record), put USC ahead of Ohio State??? Remember now, I believe USC is better than Ohio State. But one can not lose fact that USC's schedule is filled with a bunch of pussies from top to bottom. I'm not going to go through them all but the Pac Ten as a whole is bull shit. The Pac Ten has THREE of the worst teams in college football in ASU, AZ and Stanford. The rest are mediocre at best. Hell Illinois 2nd last in the Big Ten was one play away from beating CAL. The Pac Ten like I said is BS so you guys get off your high horese as far as the Pac Ten is concerned. When Bowl bids are given out you'll see just how many get a bid, it won't be many.

Now Winky as far as betting purposes we should all hope that Ohio State is #2 and plays Oklahoma. Oklahoma would be laying in the neighborhood of 12-14pts and we could bet the house. As far as you touting USC to beat Oklahoma you need to quit getting high on your own supply. USC will not be playing Stanford, Washington, AZU, AZ, or any F off team in the Pac Ten. They will be playing a fundamentally sound WELL COACHED Oklahoma team that knows how to win in bowl games. I can't understand why any team cares to play them because give Coach Stoops a month to prepare and Oklahoma will drill either USC or Ohio State. By the way, Ohio State's defense is better than USC's, however USC is miles better offensively....But Winky you need to lay off the supply and get high on something else...


P.S. And by the way, I played football at Wisconsin, who when healthy is better than LSU, USC and Ohio State (already beat them). We have the best running back, receiver and coach in the country, barring none.... But like I said, when HEALTHY!!!!

P.S. #2
Regarding the Pac Ten ---Tied for 1st with USC is Washington State, yes that same Washington St that was dismantled by Ohio State 28-9 and that same Washington State that lost to the PATHETIC Irish of Notre Dame LOL...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
"P.S. And by the way, I played football at Wisconsin, who when healthy is better than LSU, USC and Ohio State (already beat them). We have the best running back, receiver and coach in the country, barring none.... But like I said, when HEALTHY!!!!"

Talk about being high...I want some of what you're smoking! I don't think a HEALTHY WIS team could beat LSU or USC. No way, no how... Just my opinion.

Best of luck.

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