Obama's VP .... It is becoming clear who one of the front runners is

Oct 21, 2004
Wesley Clarke has to be on the Short List ...

Picking a "Mellow" mate like Lieberbush and Edwards dont cut it

Clarke has been smacking folks around about McCain on MSNBC
the past few weeks and the cool part is if Obama picks Clarke the
FLOCKIES can shove the WAR HERO bullshit up their ass for a

McCain would have to salute General Clarke !!!

Screw it ... Clarke will eliminate all the bullshit "National Security"
crap that the GOP is trying to shove down throats of this country

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
I don't think Clarke would be a good pick, the Right would slime both of them on the gay marriage issue.

Mar 7, 2005
Thatta boy Doc...Wes is a great pick! :missingte

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Oct 21, 2004
I have no clue who is gonna pick ...

Obama needs to counter the bullshit from the Right about "experience"
and "national security"

Mar 7, 2005
I have no clue who is gonna pick ...

Obama needs to counter the bullshit from the Right about "experience"
and "national security"

Pretty worried huh?

You should be...Obambi doesn't have any experience.

Hell...even doesn't even show up to vote half the time.

Mar 7, 2005
He has plenty of "experience"

Rove is running McCain's campaign and is as low as Slime gets

What experience does Obama have?

Or accomplishments as a senator? :icon_conf

Rx Junior
May 19, 2008
I think that Wesley clark would make a good VP candidate..(really OBama could run with a gay arab jew married to a black muslim guy cousin of Osama 6 times removed and still win..

But you gotta go with some one who brings in a swing state guaranteed.
Oct 21, 2004
Obama's Illinois Record of Accomplishments and Working with the Other side

</center> I've been doing some research into Barack Obama's record during his 8 years in the Illinois State Senate. A NY Times story "In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd" from mid-2007 has some good insights:
Mr. Obama did not bring revolution to Springfield in his eight years in the Senate, the longest chapter in his short public life. But he turned out to be practical and shrewd, a politician capable of playing hardball to win election (he squeezed every opponent out of his first race), a legislator with a sharp eye for an opportunity, a strategist willing to compromise to accomplish things.​
It's good to hear that Obama can play hardball because he will certainly need that skill to defeat the overtly negative and subtly racist attacks that will be hurled against him both from Democrats resistant to change and Republicans deeply concerned about an electoral landslide with Obama at the top of the ticket (something they will not be worrying about if Hillary is the Democratic nominee).
At the same time, it does appear that Obama has the ability to reach across the aisle and work with the opposition party to get things done:
He positioned himself early on as a protégé of the powerful Democratic leader, Senator Emil Jones, a beneficiary of the Chicago political machine. He courted collaboration with Republicans. He endured hazing from a few black colleagues, played poker with lobbyists, studiously took up golf. By the time he left Springfield in 2004, he had built not only the connections necessary to win election to the United States Senate but a record not inconsistent with his lofty rhetoric of consensus building and bipartisanship.
Fixing some of the most pressing problems our country faces will certainly require a degree of bipartisanship although less will be required in an Obama presidency because our majority margins in both houses of Congress are likely to be greater. Still, the Senate has the filibuster rule so we will be better off with a president who does not serve as a lightning rod effectively galvanizing rank-and-file Republicans to oppose each and every initiative that the next president will put forward.
Obama's soaring oratory has been matched with a clear sense of practicality that his opponent accuses him of lacking:
"He came with a huge dose of practicality," said Paul L. Williams, a lobbyist in Springfield and former state representative who is a supporter of Mr. Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. Mr. Williams characterized Mr. Obama's attitude as, "O.K., that makes sense and sounds great, as I'd like to go to the moon, but right now I've only got enough gas to go this far."​
On top of all this Obama has a solid record of achievement in the Illinois Senate that included reaching across the aisle and negotiating difficult legislation like campaign finance reform:

With the assistance of Senator Jones, Mr. Obama helped deliver what is said to have been the first significant campaign finance reform law in Illinois in 25 years. He brought law enforcement groups around to back legislation requiring that homicide interrogations be taped and helped bring about passage of the state's first racial-profiling law. He was a chief sponsor of a law enhancing tax credits for the working poor, played a central role in negotiations over welfare reform and successfully pushed for increasing child care subsidies.​
I encourage you to read the entire NY Times story.Also, from early 2007 CBS has a story on his Illinois record. Obama had a solid pro-choice record on abortion:
He had a 100 percent rating from the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council for his support of abortion rights, family planning services and health insurance coverage for female contraceptives.​
He supported gun control but sometimes went against gun control advocates:
Obama regularly supported gun-control measures, including a ban on semiautomatic "assault weapons" and a limit on handgun purchases to one a month. Obama parted company with gun control advocates when he backed a measure to let retired police officers and military police carry concealed weapons.
The idea that Obama will be a tool of big business isn't supported by examining his Illinois record:
Obama occasionally supported higher taxes, joining other Democrats in pushing to raise more than 300 taxes and fees on businesses in 2004 to help solve a budget deficit. That's one reason Illinois business groups gave Obama a low rating, while labor groups praised him. But even Obama's allies say he refused to become a rubber stamp for their legislation.
Obama took on tough issues and demonstrated he could work with the other side:
During his last two years, Democrats controlled the chamber and he was the go-to guy on a variety of issues. He helped pass legislation overhauling Illinois' troubled capital punishment system and was a key figure in requiring a massive statewide study of traffic stops to look for signs of racial profiling. Although police groups opposed the legislation, they say Obama listened to their concerns and accepted some of their suggestions to improve the bill. Even when he was in the political minority, Obama sometimes played a critical role. He helped write one of the rare ethics laws in a state known for government corruption and worked on welfare reform with Republicans.
He stood up for gays, the poor and average working people:
He sponsored legislation to bar job and housing discrimination against gays, and he helped create a state version of the earned income tax credit for the poor. Obama also led efforts to reject federal rules that would have put workers' overtime checks in jeopardy.​
Some key votes:
  • Voted to end $300 million worth of tax breaks for businesses. (2004)
  • Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research. (2004)
  • Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion. (2000)
  • Successfully co-sponsored a prescription drug discount buying club program for seniors and the disabled. (2003)
  • Unsuccessfully co-sponsored ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. The measure became law after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate. (2003)
  • Successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform called the Gift Ban Act. (1998)
The bottom line is that Obama's got plenty of substance to match the style, he has stood up for progressive causes throughout his career,
Oct 21, 2004
His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and death:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/12/obama.death.pena... /

His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it):

Here’s a chart of many of his accomplishments during his 8 years in the Illinois state house -

and his sponsored and co sponsored Bills in the U.S. Senate.......which include worthwhile bills dealing with a wide range of issues, from Election reform bills to the Cooperative Proliferation Detection reduction Act (w/t Sen. Lugar) to Internet database transparency Act.
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/271 /
http://obama.senate.gov/press/060908-senate_passes_c /

http://thomas.loc.gov / (Select Obama’s name from the Senator drop down)

This does not lists all of his accomplishments, nor does it deals with his accomplishments prior to entering elected office.
Oct 21, 2004
Since 2002, and now, as a U.S. Senator, Senator Obama has continued to critique the Administration's mishandling of this war, and believes that while our troops have done an outstanding job in Iraq, there can be no military solution to what is inherently a political conflict between Iraq's warring factions. The only hope to end this burgeoning civil war is for Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds to come together and resolve their differences, and that's why Senator Obama agrees with the Iraq Study Group's conclusion that we must begin a phased redeployment of American troops to signal to the government and people of Iraq that ours is not an open-ended commitment.

Senator Obama is a strong proponent of tougher measures to fight crime and provide more resources to local law enforcement officers. He is particularly concerned about the growing problem of methamphetamine, which is ravaging many communities in Illinois.

As a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Senator Obama is committed to providing every American with the opportunity to receive a quality education, from pre-kindergarten to college or vocational school to job retraining programs.

Health Care
Promoting affordable, accessible, and high-quality health care was a priority for Barack Obama in the Illinois State Senate and is a priority for him in the United States Senate. He believes firmly that health care should be a right for everyone, not a privilege for the few.

Barack Obama - U.S. Senator for Illinois

“Senator Obama’s tireless work as a civil rights attorney and his diligent legislative efforts on behalf of veterans, working families, children and the environment resonate deeply with our campus’ urban mission,” UMass Boston Chancellor Michael F. Collins, MD, said. “He will be addressing New England’s most diverse public university with a faculty and student body who share his commitment to public service and America’s future.”

Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Sen. Obama has dedicated his life to public service as a community organizer, civil rights attorney, and leader in the Illinois state Senate, where he served for seven years. Sen. Obama serves on the Senate’s important Environment and Public Works Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Sen. Obama is the only African American now serving in that assembly, and the fifth in U.S. history. The Senator is especially proud of being a husband and father of two daughters, Malia, 7 and Sasha, 4. Sen. Obama and his wife, Michelle, married in 1992 and live on Chicago’s South Side.

Sen. Obama received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University and then moved to Chicago to work as a South Side community organizer. He returned east to study law at Harvard University, serving as the first-ever black editor of the Harvard Law Review and graduating with honors. Sen. Obama was a member of the Illinois state senate for seven years, working with both Democrats and Republicans to create and enact legislation designed to benefit the working poor and other marginalized groups. Notable among these measures was an earned-income tax credit that resulted in significant tax cuts for Illinois families.

University of Massachusetts Boston: News Release Senator Obama

New member
Jul 21, 2006
What experience does Obama have?

Or accomplishments as a senator? :icon_conf

you don't get to this level by not having accomplishments. you can refuse to acknowledge them, but don't act oblivious and believe he just magically appeared out of thin air. both mccain and obama are accomplished politicans.

Rx Junior
May 19, 2008
you don't get to this level by not having accomplishments. you can refuse to acknowledge them, but don't act oblivious and believe he just magically appeared out of thin air. both mccain and obama are accomplished politicans.

NO you are lying.. Obama came out of nowhere. I saw it.. for months we saw the blur that is OBama come out of nowhere and steal the nomination from Hilary clinton..

It was all magic and voodoo hoodoo!!!

We want a leader like George Bush from texas. At least he had a record as texas governor....err he balanced...err he must have done something in texas...the immigration..well err, shoot!!!! boy!!! we need some one eerrr

:ohno::ohno::ohno: go dammnit he fried that certified retard...remember? That drooling retard that was fried you gotta remember im!!!
Oct 21, 2004
He is as qualified as Bush was in 2000 and can name
World Leaders which Bush could not

Face facts ... If Obama was White and a Republican
you and Patriot would have raw palms over Obama

I posted plenty on his track record .... no way in
hell anyone with working brain cells that has lived
in the country the past 7 yrs votes for Bush's Clone

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Borak traveled to Bosnia to deliver an important message, with his daughter in the war zone, sniper fire and all that shit.

How about McCain? He told VietKong everything they wanted to know so he can live and survive, he told on America and his friends!

New member
Sep 26, 2004
Wesley Clarke has to be on the Short List ...

Picking a "Mellow" mate like Lieberbush and Edwards dont cut it

Clarke has been smacking folks around about McCain on MSNBC
the past few weeks and the cool part is if Obama picks Clarke the
FLOCKIES can shove the WAR HERO bullshit up their ass for a

McCain would have to salute General Clarke !!!

Screw it ... Clarke will eliminate all the bullshit "National Security"
crap that the GOP is trying to shove down throats of this country

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...........Wesley Clarke Bwahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahah
Oct 21, 2004
Clarke is everywhere on the tube and making his pitch ... thats all I am saying as he aint my 1st choice

I think Kaine or Schweitzer would make an excellent VP choice for OBAMA

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Borak is the right man for the job if he divorces Michelle. This girl is not pretty enough to be the first lady just like W's mother.

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