[h=1]Obama's farewell salute from the military as poll shows most unhappy with his years as commander-in-chief - and less than a third voted for Hillary[/h]
PUBLISHED: 22:08, 9 January 2017 | UPDATED: 00:06, 10 January 2017
- More than half the troops have an unfavorable opinion of President Obama's military leadership, according to a new poll
- The survey says 49 per cent of service members voted for Donald Trump
- Just 36 registered support for Obama's conduct as commander in chief
- A majority said the U.S. troop drawdown in Afghanistan has made the nation less safe
- Just 29 per cent backed Hillary Clinton
- Election Day exit polls had active duty military breaking for Clinton
PUBLISHED: 22:08, 9 January 2017 | UPDATED: 00:06, 10 January 2017