barbanman's defense of mama obama is pretty consistent, gotta give him credit for that one.
Now he doesn't usually defend the dipshit's policies or words, he usually says something like "don't worry, the retard in chief can't do that, he's just talking without thinking again"
I kinda concur with this type of argument most of the time.
Well, not to reset what I already wrote, but hey - why not?
There's no doubt that both the current administration and the former GW Bush admin both had lots of people who conceptually imagined the government being able to "take control" of the worldwide web.
So they would (and maybe still will) try and craft legislation that responds to the arm of their constituency who is saying, "We need more security! We need to have CONTROL!"
We'll note that in last term of Clinton and into Bush admin that the most visible proponents of such legislation were the FBI and CIA.
And now in 2009 it would seem that perhaps they're still a part of that, along with various arms of DHS.
No one likes to deliver disappointing news. So when challenged by non-tech minded elected officials to devise a plan to "take control of the WWW in case of severe national emergency", I've no doubt that many of the tech brains inside the Beltway play along and present various scenarios where it could be done.
What they don't include is that such a "takeover" could only be correlated with a complete shutdown of the domestic phone system and the internet communication abilities of most local governments and the bulk of most state governments.