a quote is nothing without analyzing the context that leads to the quote. otherwise its pointless
and they thought they did a masterful job of clipping the quotes and pasting them together. Any fool can see what a sham job it is but these clowns expect even the dumbest person to buy that crap!!!
I guess when all the fake birth certificate and muslim crap fails, this is what they resort to..
And Obama is a muslim, terrorist, not even a US citizen..
Jesse--obama be talking down to black people, and momma , bad talk goin' round town sayin' obama had 3 outside children and another guy....and that aint right.
Don't forget the breathalyzers for asthma. Ya see if i vote for him, i know i am voting for an idiot.
But, what i want to know is how does anyone vote for Obama after his 10 minute moronic diatribe on Health Plans ??
Let's face it change or no change, Obama is incompetant. And certainly not to be trusted when it comes to radical muslims.
gtc, The quotes may be taken out of context, it doesn’t matter. BO’s reasoning for the quote, it doesn’t matter. You yourself rant on how Americans are stupid which means most haven’t read his book nor will they ever read his book. When they hear it with their own ears it will leave an ever lasting impression and not a good impression. Now a lot of people don’t go to You Tube and watch videos but when they see the ad on TV, Wow. Perception is everything in the eyes of the stupid and the perception that BO hates whitey will just be reinforced. Like it or not your boy has a serious problem on his hands and I don’t think he will be able to bullshit his way out of it.
Jambo, I see you decided to reply for gtc and let me say I think that’s mighty white of you. Allow me to retort.
The particular quotes you are talking about are being spread around using a medium overwhelmingly used by young people, intelligent people too. i havent read the book either and even i can tell from the badly clipped audio files its a smear job. Clear as day light.
My point exactly, young people watch You Tube to see some jerk get his nuts crushed while skate boarding or girls beating the shit out of each other. I’m not sure I would classify them as intelligent. As for the film being a smear job, according to gtc, you being an American makes you to stupid to know that.
If the Mccain people figured this kind of smear would do them wonders on the internet, they figured wrong.
That’s why he didn’t do it. Remember, overwhelmingly used by young people.
This clip is a drop in the ocean compared to much worse stuff out on the net and continually spreading against mccain. And those of us spreading it dont need to edit him or rephrase him to show who/what he is.
BO’s no day at the beach when it comes to looking like an ass, IE not knowing the difference between a breathalyzer and an inhaler and my favorite, not knowing how many states there are.
When people like Floyd Brown start to get down and dirty running ads on TV using BO’s own voice people like the guy in W. VA. who thinks BO is a Muslim will believe every word they hear. Don’t forget Americans are stupid.