I just bought eight houses.
One for ma granny one for ma budgie...
<TABLE class=storycontent cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>Obama pledges to halt evictions
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=storybody><!-- S BO --><!-- Inline Embbeded Media --><!-- This is the embedded player component --><OBJECT id=bbc_emp_fmtj_embed_obj height=179 width=256 classid=clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>
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<!-- caption -->Voters in Florida head to the polls
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US Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama has vowed to halt eviction of homeowners defaulting on mortgages, two weeks before the election.
He was speaking in Florida, ahead of a joint appearance with his former rival for the nomination, Hillary Clinton.
Mr Obama also urged his supporters in the crucial swing state to take part in early voting which opened on Monday.
Republican John McCain attacked his rival's economic policies, and vowed to take the country in a new direction. <!-- E SF -->
Campaigning in Missouri, another swing state, John McCain accused his Democratic rival of misleading the electorate by plotting to hike taxes.
<!-- S IBOX --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=231 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=5>
</TD><TD class=sibtbg>
There's too much at stake in this election to leave this responsibility to the last minute
Steve Schale
Obama's Florida campaign director
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IBOX -->
"After months of campaign trail eloquence... we finally learned what Senator Obama's economic goal is... he wants to 'spread the wealth' around," Mr McCain said.
"If I'm elected president I won't raise taxes on small businesses, Senator Obama will and that will force them to cut jobs."
Mr McCain said he would tackle the housing crisis by "buying up bad mortgages and re-financing them" in order "to realise the American dream and keep people in their homes".
Mr Obama accused the Republican camp of "ugly" campaigning but said he would not be "distracted" by it.
He focused his address on the economy and those in Florida who have been hit hard by the mortgage crisis and financial slowdown.
"We have tried it John McCain's way. We have tried it George Bush's way. It hasn't worked. It's time for something new," Mr Obama said.
'Town criers'
At a later rally, Hillary Clinton joined her fellow Democrat on stage and urged the crowd of 50,000 supporters to "close the deal for Barack Obama".
"Sending the Republicans to clean up the economic mess in Washington is like sending the bull to clean up the china closet," she warned.
Mr Obama has been pushing early voting on a major scale, using speeches, e-mails and advertisements placed in popular video games.
<!-- S IIMA --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=226 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
Early voting has already begun in states across the US
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IIMA -->Officials in Florida were expecting a busy day.
Thousands of Mr Obama's volunteers have been mobilised, including "town criers" riding on public buses, offering lifts to college students, and neighbourhood teams to give voters a push.
"There's too much at stake in this election to leave this responsibility to the last minute,'' said Steve Schale, Mr Obama's campaign director in Florida.
Meanwhile Mr McCain's campaign has opted to focus its efforts more selectively on supporters who do not always vote in presidential elections.
The party believes it can count on more reliable voters to get to the polls on 4 November, Rich Beeson, political director for the Republican National Committee, told the Associated Press news agency.
About a third of US electors in 2008 are expected to cast their vote early.
The process has grown in popularity in recent years, as people have become more familiar with it. Early voting provisions have been expanded and restrictions on absentee ballots eased. Registered voters can either cast their ballots in person or by mail, thus avoiding queues at polling stations on election day.
One for ma granny one for ma budgie...
<TABLE class=storycontent cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>Obama pledges to halt evictions
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=storybody><!-- S BO --><!-- Inline Embbeded Media --><!-- This is the embedded player component --><OBJECT id=bbc_emp_fmtj_embed_obj height=179 width=256 classid=clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/emp/2_6_5222/player.swf" width="256" height="179" id="bbc_emp_fmtj_embed_emb" name="embeddedPlayer_7680781" wmode="default" allowFullScreen="true" name="embeddedPlayer_7680781" flashvars="config=http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/emp/config/default.xml?v10&companionSize=300x30&companionType=adi&preroll=&config_settings_suppressItemKind=advert, ident&config_settings_autoPlay=false&config_settings_showPopoutButton=false&playlist=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.bbc.co.uk%2Fmedia%2Femp%2F7680000%2F7680700%2F7680781.xml&config_plugin_fmtjLiveStats_pageType=eav2&embedReferer=blockedReferrer&config_plugin_fmtjLiveStats_edition=Domestic&embedPageUrl=/1/hi/world/americas/us_elections_2008/7679508.stm&"/></OBJECT>
<!-- caption -->Voters in Florida head to the polls
<!-- END - caption -->
<!-- end of the embedded player component --><!-- END of Inline Embedded Media --><!-- S SF -->
US Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama has vowed to halt eviction of homeowners defaulting on mortgages, two weeks before the election.
He was speaking in Florida, ahead of a joint appearance with his former rival for the nomination, Hillary Clinton.
Mr Obama also urged his supporters in the crucial swing state to take part in early voting which opened on Monday.
Republican John McCain attacked his rival's economic policies, and vowed to take the country in a new direction. <!-- E SF -->
Campaigning in Missouri, another swing state, John McCain accused his Democratic rival of misleading the electorate by plotting to hike taxes.
<!-- S IBOX --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=231 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=5>
Steve Schale
Obama's Florida campaign director
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IBOX -->
"After months of campaign trail eloquence... we finally learned what Senator Obama's economic goal is... he wants to 'spread the wealth' around," Mr McCain said.
"If I'm elected president I won't raise taxes on small businesses, Senator Obama will and that will force them to cut jobs."
Mr McCain said he would tackle the housing crisis by "buying up bad mortgages and re-financing them" in order "to realise the American dream and keep people in their homes".
Mr Obama accused the Republican camp of "ugly" campaigning but said he would not be "distracted" by it.
He focused his address on the economy and those in Florida who have been hit hard by the mortgage crisis and financial slowdown.
"We have tried it John McCain's way. We have tried it George Bush's way. It hasn't worked. It's time for something new," Mr Obama said.
'Town criers'
At a later rally, Hillary Clinton joined her fellow Democrat on stage and urged the crowd of 50,000 supporters to "close the deal for Barack Obama".
"Sending the Republicans to clean up the economic mess in Washington is like sending the bull to clean up the china closet," she warned.
Mr Obama has been pushing early voting on a major scale, using speeches, e-mails and advertisements placed in popular video games.
<!-- S IIMA --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=226 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IIMA -->Officials in Florida were expecting a busy day.
Thousands of Mr Obama's volunteers have been mobilised, including "town criers" riding on public buses, offering lifts to college students, and neighbourhood teams to give voters a push.
"There's too much at stake in this election to leave this responsibility to the last minute,'' said Steve Schale, Mr Obama's campaign director in Florida.
Meanwhile Mr McCain's campaign has opted to focus its efforts more selectively on supporters who do not always vote in presidential elections.
The party believes it can count on more reliable voters to get to the polls on 4 November, Rich Beeson, political director for the Republican National Committee, told the Associated Press news agency.
About a third of US electors in 2008 are expected to cast their vote early.
The process has grown in popularity in recent years, as people have become more familiar with it. Early voting provisions have been expanded and restrictions on absentee ballots eased. Registered voters can either cast their ballots in person or by mail, thus avoiding queues at polling stations on election day.