Ya, unfortunately it's almost impossible to have an open, honest discussion about racism and Jim Crow laws. To say the past has no effect on today's black people is disingenuous. That does not mean that I agree with how Democrat politicians have exploited the issue.
No /Sarc or negative intended with this at all:
Is not
the most major reason that the past has the effect that it does, on today's black people
that they
DEMAND that the past have a Negative effect on them?
And, even moreso: Upon White People?
Do you believe that many black people would have much left, to forge an Identity from, were the past and that effect that they demand that have upon who they are
were able to be removed?
Sincere Questions.
The Irish suffered some of the same as Blacks, they were very discriminated against and even enslaved but very few people know, about this historical reality.
Bcuz Irish People do not make that their entire Identity.
Do You agree that the biggest part of our racial challenge is that Black People DEMAND that there be Racial Unrest?
Because this is the sum total of their Identity?
Bcuz this is literally ALL that they "have"
without which they'd be absolutely left with Zero. Upon which to