Obama is going to tax the hell out of us


Mar 7, 2005
Obama's New Strategy
By Dick Morris

Have you noticed a change in Barack Obama's campaign? Instead of avoiding controversies over values, religion and race, he seems to welcome them and wade into the debates with an increasing enthusiasm.

Characterizing how the Republicans will attack him, he predicted that they would criticize his "funny name" and add "and by the way, did you notice that he's black?"

Obama used to go out of his way to avoid this kind of reference, but now he brings it on. Deliberately.


Obama and the conservative right are mutually trying to keep the debate about his candidacy on the existential level -- is he the hope for America's future or a Manchurian Candidate, a kind of sleeper agent sent to destroy our democracy? That debate, which pits Obama's rhetoric against the Rev. Wright's rantings, is a contest that could go on all day, and Obama would win it. It is simply a bridge too far to believe that Obama is that evil and that invidious.

But the more the debate covers such fundamental questions, the more it ignores the details -- details which could bring Obama down.

Quite simply, Obama would rather address his religious views and his optimism about America and his embrace of diversity than talk about his plans to raise taxes, let gasoline prices soar and socialize healthcare.

In our new book, Fleeced, we try to bring the debate back down to earth, focusing on the specific plans that Obama has announced during his presidential primary campaign and discussing the consequences. This is the debate Barack Obama hopes he can avoid.

Consider his proposals:

• In effect, he would legislate a 60 percent tax bracket for upper-income Americans, killing all initiative and innovation. He'd raise the top bracket to 40 percent. He'd apply FICA taxes to all income, not just that under $100,000 as at present. So add 40 percent plus FICA's 12.5 percent plus Medicare's 2 percent plus state and local taxes averaging, after deduction, at 5-6 percent, and you have a 60 percent bracket.

• He would double the capital gains tax, saddling the 50 percent of Americans who own stock with dramatically higher taxes.

• He'd double the dividend tax, hitting elderly coupon-clippers now retired and depending on fixed incomes.

• He wants to cover 12 million illegal immigrants with federally subsidized health insurance, dramatically driving up costs and forcing federal rationing of healthcare. As in the U.K. and Canada, you will not be permitted certain medical procedures if the bureaucrats decide you are not worth it.

• He proposes requiring Homeland Security operatives to notify terror suspects that they are under investigation within seven days of starting the investigation.

• He says that unless they can establish that there is "probable cause to believe that a certain individual is linked to a specific terrorist group," Homeland Security cannot seize his documents and search his business. The current standard is only that the search be "relevant" to a terror investigation.

• In effect, he would legislate a 60 percent tax bracket for upper-income Americans, killing all initiative and innovation. He'd raise the top bracket to 40 percent. He'd apply FICA taxes to all income, not just that under $100,000 as at present. So add 40 percent plus FICA's 12.5 percent plus Medicare's 2 percent plus state and local taxes averaging, after deduction, at 5-6 percent, and you have a 60 percent bracket.

He does not oppose $5-per-gallon gasoline but only says that he wishes there had been a more "gradual adjustment" to the higher prices.

Obama can talk about the Rev. Wright and flag lapel pins and his wife's love of America all day long. But what he resists is a specific discussion of his own plans for our country. That's the discussion he fears and he avoids. And it's the discussion John McCain must force upon him if he is to have any realistic chance of winning the election.


New member
Nov 8, 2006
Does Willie know that you are doing all this cutting and pasting? Willie don't like that.

I doubt that he could tax me more that Der Fuhrer Bush.

33% loss on not only my savings but my Social Security. It terms of purchasing power in 7 years.

Mar 7, 2005
Does Willie know that you are doing all this cutting and pasting? Willie don't like that.

I doubt that he could tax me more that Der Fuhrer Bush.

33% loss on not only my savings but my Social Security. It terms of purchasing power in 7 years.

You need to do a better job managing your savings then. Take some personal responsibility instead of blaming others.

The Clinton bubble and market crash destroyed 8 trillion worth of retirement savings. The largest crash since the Great Depression.

Bush was dealt a terrible hand...he has done a remarkable job of recovery considering he also took the 9/11 hit on the economy.
Oct 21, 2004

CNN Crunches Obama and McCain Tax Plans


<table class="sidebarTBLtable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="sidebarTBLheadline">REAKING DOWN THE NUMBERS</td> </tr> <tr><td class="sidebarTBLsubhead">Here's how the average tax bill could change in 2009 if either John McCain's or Barack Obama's tax proposals were fully in place.</td></tr> <tr> <td class="cnnTMcontent"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr class="sidebarTBLheader"> <th class="cc11" align="left">
</th> <th class="cc11" align="left">MCCAIN</th> <th class="cc11" align="left">OBAMA</th> </tr> <tr class="cnnIERowAltBG"> <td class="cc10" align="left">Income</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">Avg. tax bill</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">Avg. tax bill</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cc10" align="left">Over $2.9M</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$269,364</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">+$701,885</td> </tr> <tr class="cnnIERowAltBG"> <td class="cc10" align="left">$603K and up</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$45,361</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">+$115,974</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cc10" align="left">$227K-$603K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$7,871</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">+$12</td> </tr> <tr class="cnnIERowAltBG"> <td class="cc10" align="left">$161K-$227K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$4,380</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$2,789</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cc10" align="left">$112K-$161K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$2,614</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$2,204</td> </tr> <tr class="cnnIERowAltBG"> <td class="cc10" align="left">$66K-$112K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$1,009</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$1,290</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cc10" align="left">$38K-$66K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$319</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$1,042</td> </tr> <tr class="cnnIERowAltBG"> <td class="cc10" align="left">$19K-$38K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$113</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$892</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cc10" align="left">Under $19K</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$19</td> <td class="cc10" align="left">-$567</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> Source:The Tax Policy Center

New member
Nov 8, 2006
You need to do a better job managing your savings then. Take some personal responsibility instead of blaming others.

The Clinton bubble and market crash destroyed 8 trillion worth of retirement savings. The largest crash since the Great Depression.

Bush was dealt a terrible hand...he has done a remarkable job of recovery considering he also took the 9/11 hit on the economy.

I did not loose money I lost purchaseing power.

You did too. Check your balances.

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005

CNN Crunches Obama and McCain Tax Plans


<TABLE class=sidebarTBLtable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sidebarTBLheadline>REAKING DOWN THE NUMBERS</TD></TR><TR><TD class=sidebarTBLsubhead>Here's how the average tax bill could change in 2009 if either John McCain's or Barack Obama's tax proposals were fully in place.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=cnnTMcontent><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=sidebarTBLheader><TH class=cc11 align=left>

</TH> <TH class=cc11 align=left>MCCAIN</TH> <TH class=cc11 align=left>OBAMA</TH></TR><TR class=cnnIERowAltBG> <TD class=cc10 align=left>Income</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>Avg. tax bill</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>Avg. tax bill</TD></TR><TR> <TD class=cc10 align=left>Over $2.9M</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$269,364</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>+$701,885</TD></TR><TR class=cnnIERowAltBG> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$603K and up</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$45,361</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>+$115,974</TD></TR><TR> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$227K-$603K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$7,871</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>+$12</TD></TR><TR class=cnnIERowAltBG> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$161K-$227K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$4,380</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$2,789</TD></TR><TR> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$112K-$161K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$2,614</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$2,204</TD></TR><TR class=cnnIERowAltBG> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$66K-$112K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$1,009</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$1,290</TD></TR><TR> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$38K-$66K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$319</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$1,042</TD></TR><TR class=cnnIERowAltBG> <TD class=cc10 align=left>$19K-$38K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$113</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$892</TD></TR><TR> <TD class=cc10 align=left>Under $19K</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$19</TD> <TD class=cc10 align=left>-$567</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Source:The Tax Policy Center
Is that how much money will be saved or the average tax bill?

edit: nevermind, I got it

Mar 7, 2005
If I become a greedy millionare I will start to worry

This will have a direct effect on everybody...

• He would double the capital gains tax, saddling the 50 percent of Americans who own stock with dramatically higher taxes.

• He'd double the dividend tax, hitting elderly coupon-clippers now retired and depending on fixed incomes.

• He wants to cover 12 million illegal immigrants with federally subsidized health insurance, dramatically driving up costs and forcing federal rationing of healthcare. As in the U.K. and Canada, you will not be permitted certain medical procedures if the bureaucrats decide you are not worth it.

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Mj I'm busy so I am not going to trace down the facts but from what I know 2/3 of what you say is an outright lie and the rest is a 1/2 truth.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
of course the dems will have to tax us for all of dubya's liberal spending

if you want to wage bs wars, create homeland security, FEMA, no child left behind taxpayer and not fixing the entitlement system one bit gonna have to pony up some dough at some point after national debt ballons from 4 trillion to near 10 trillion in 8 years

especially with the economy floundering and tax intake from other areas declining at the same time

Mar 7, 2005
Mj I'm busy so I am not going to trace down the facts but from what I know 2/3 of what you say is an outright lie and the rest is a 1/2 truth.

LOL...ok punter.

I'm lying...you don't have time to prove it...but damn it...you just know I'm lying.


Mar 7, 2005
of course the dems will have to tax us for all of dubya's liberal spending

if you want to wage bs wars, create homeland security, FEMA, no child left behind taxpayer and not fixing the entitlement system one bit gonna have to pony up some dough at some point after national debt ballons from 4 trillion to near 10 trillion in 8 years

especially with the economy floundering and tax intake from other areas declining at the same time

Taxing the hell out of risk takers and entrepeneurs will only serve to cut economic activity = less tax revenue and jobs.

Try to get that through a moronic Dems mind some time.

Think through the consequences...rather than act like taxation is in a vacuum.

Dems are on a 3rd grade level with economics...its just pathetic.

Tax tax tax...until you kill it. Then what? Where does your tax come from then? Morons.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
well as i've told you numerous times

taxes are a repercussion of government spending

if federal government didn't spend so damn much they wouldn't need to be tax as much its pretty fucking simple

republicans and democrats just bicker about what government should spend our money on so in the end we live under a one party system of big government fiscal liberals

Mar 7, 2005
well as i've told you numerous times

taxes are a repercussion of government spending

if federal government didn't spend so damn much they wouldn't need to be tax as much its pretty fucking simple

republicans and democrats just bicker about what government should spend our money on so in the end they both big government liberals

You speaketh with forked tongue.

You just got off a rant blaming higher taxes on Bush...:lol:

No wonder you have to explain things 10 times...

New member
Nov 6, 2007
MJ must make over 2.9 Mill....:nohead:

You dug yourself in a hole starting this thread.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
You speaketh with forked tongue.

You just got off a rant blaming higher taxes on Bush...:lol:

No wonder you have to explain things 10 times...

yes higher taxes in the future will be partially due to bush cutting taxes at a time government spent us into debt like a fiscal liberals

not sure why this is hard to understand

when we went into past wars such as world war 2 that the country was behind, the people agreed taxes must be increased to pay for it, and they raised them

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
you neocons are a hoot you think we can go marching around the world spending billions on war and "protecting us" via homeland security and FEMA and we can cut taxes at the same time and somehow it'll all work itself out long term

Mar 7, 2005
you neocons are a hoot you think we can go marching around the world spending billions on war and "protecting us" via homeland security and FEMA and we can cut taxes at the same time and somehow it'll all work itself out long term

So now you go back to it being a "neocon" problem.

Flip floppin at the speed of light. :lol:

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