Obama can lie to main stream America but he can't lie to moveon.org


New member
Sep 20, 2000
:nohead:<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=500 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Does Obama mean fork tounge in Islam?

Move-On calls on Obama to keep his word
Posted June 22, 2008 10 :13 PM

MoveOn.org is taking a firm stand on a campaign promise that Barack Obama made to filibuster any wiretapping bill that had retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies that let the feds listen in.
In a letter that is posted on the MoveOn website the progressive organization said that:
"On Friday, House Democrats caved to the Bush administration and passed a bill giving a get-out-of-jail-free card to phone companies that helped Bush illegally spy on innocent Americans.
"This Monday, the fight moves to the Senate. Senator Russ Feingold says the 'deal is not a compromise; it is a capitulation.' Barack Obama announced his partial support for the bill, but said, 'It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses.'
"Last year, after phone calls from MoveOn members and others, Obama vowed to 'support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.'"
MoveOn also said in the letter "We need him to honor that promise."
The posting urges supporters to tell Obama how they feel by calling his presidential campaign to let him know "You're counting on him to keep his word." Last Friday Obama announced his support for the intelligence surveillance law that is highly unpopular with most left activists; the money, momentum and votes that help make him the presumptive nominee. In a week that saw Obama move to the center (his new ad had no mention of "change" but lots of center "heartland" imagery and narrative) and bend a pledge to accept public financing -- it will be interesting to see how Obama takes this line in the sand from the progressives.
</TD><TD width=100>By
Salena Zito



Mar 7, 2005
For pure entertainment...keep an eye on this one. :103631605
Oct 21, 2004
His own statements on the Bill:
I opposed the so-called Protect America Act, which expanded the surveillance powers of the government without sufficient independent oversight to protect the privacy and civil liberties of innocent Americans. I have also opposed the granting of retroactive immunity to those who were allegedly complicit in acts of illegal spying in the past.

Under this compromise legislation, an important tool in the fight against terrorism will continue, but the President's illegal program of warrantless surveillance will be over. It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance - making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law and disregard the civil liberties of the American people.

It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses.
Remember the Times quote above -- this bill is going to pass in the Senate no matter what. Whether he is successful in stripping immunity or not -- and it's unclear how much backup he has on that, other than from folks like Feingold, who have also spoken out against it -- this crappy bill will pass.

Don't blame Obama on that one -- blame Harry Reid for letting Kit Bond lead the "compromise," and for not forcing the Dems to oppose. Hell, blame Dick Durbin, he's the Whip -- why can't he get the votes in line to block?

So, here are Obama's choices:

1.) Quietly vote "No" on the bill without making a statement, hoping that Republicans don't make too big of a deal over it, while also earning scorn from the lefty blogosphere for not "being a leader."

2.) Loudly vote "No," thus causing a spike in both victorious blog posts and t-shirt sales at RedState that read "Obama is a Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey." Oh, and many nasty news cycles about how he's weak.

3.) Try his best to fix the bill with little help from his party, then vote "Yes" to avoid the Right Wing smear jobs that might turn this country back over to McCain for the next four years.

Oh, and he's got little-to-no back-up from his own party if he votes "No" on this.

See, it's a crappy choice. No matter what Obama does, he's going to get himself in trouble with some group or another. That's why I think his statement is so important -- he's saying to you all that he DOESN'T like the program, he WANTS to fix it, to stop it. But you're not listening to him. How many other Democrats are even trying to strip immunity from the bill?

Thankfully, on this issues, there is a difference between Obama and McCain on this issue. From the New York Times editorial page:
There are clear differences between the candidates. Senator John McCain, who is sounding more like Mr. Bush every day, believes the president has the power to eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant.

New member
Feb 7, 2007
Wow. I can't believe all these people falling for Osama. The dude has America tricked. Sleazy.

Scary times ahead.
Oct 21, 2004
Ohhh yeah ...

Nothing like 4 more years of FAILED BUSH POLICIES to be implemented
by McCain to wake up America
Oct 21, 2004
Her video is due to hit the same time as the video showing you having sex
with a women ...

In other words ... both events have never occurred in this lifetime

New member
Feb 7, 2007
Her video is due to hit the same time as the video showing you having sex
with a women ...

In other words ... both events have never occurred in this lifetime

Seriously, do you think this is at all clever?

"Ugh, I fucked your mom...he he hehe"

McWarHero is gonna release that tape when things get heated up. White America sees a potential first lately talkin' jive, hatin' on "whitey", Osama will go down.
Oct 21, 2004

Ya mean the man who sold out his fellow soldiers and earned the nickname of


New member
Sep 20, 2000
tick tock tick tock

All Obama Promises Expire. It's Just a Question of When.

Obama spokesman Bill Burton on October 24, 2007: “To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.”
Barack Obama, June 20, 2008: “Given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay. So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as president, I will carefully monitor the program.”
All Barack Obama statements come with an expiration date. All of them.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007

Ya mean the man who sold out his fellow soldiers and earned the nickname of


This from the guy who accuses Ann Coulter of tasteless attacks. This from the guy who has a kiniption fit every time the Swift Boati ads are brought up.

Look, pally, there's alot to debate about in this year's election. On some issues Obama may be correct, on others McCain is. But one thing that cannot be debated, except by the extremist lunatic fringes of the extremist lunatic left (like you and Andrew Cockskr) is that John McCain is a true American war hero.
Oct 21, 2004
Go do your homework ...

McCain is not liked by those who served with him in the POW camp

McCAIN is a War Hero?

Hmmmm ..... what has changed in 8 yrs?

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
Here is the article by JAMES H. WARNER, McCain's fellow P.O.W.:


Recently, I have seen several allegations that condemn Senator John McCain for his behavior as a prisoner of war. I believe that these allegations are false. I am in a better position than the Senator’s accusers to know the truth since I was a prisoner with him, having been captured a little over a month before him. I have contacted hundreds of my comrades on our e-mail list and not one of them can confirm anything that has been alleged against McCain. Let me tell you what they have told me and what I saw myself, and answer some of the charges.

First, I should say that I have great respect for Senator McCain, even though I am at odds with him on many issues and have remained distant from his campaign. I say this up front because I think that a defense mounted by one of his supporters would be less credible.

The first allegation is that the Soviets directed our interrogations and that John McCain gave up valuable intelligence during his interrogations. We doubt this. The Communists were not very skilled at keeping secrets from us and to my knowledge only one man saw someone whom he could identify as a Russian in any camp – a female “journalist’ who claimed to have been wounded as a tank commander in WWII. When the prisoner she was interviewing demanded that she show him her scars she knocked him off of his stool.

Everyone, when interrogated under torture, lied to the interrogators. Surely Soviet intelligence knew, as should any intelligent being, that there are no swimming pools on the decks of American aircraft carriers. Yet this lie was told and believed. One man was beaten for refusing to tell where the Navy keeps pigs and chickens on an aircraft carrier. Surely Soviet military intelligence knew that our ships have refrigeration and do not need to carry livestock. There are countless other such stories which cast doubt on the participation of the Soviets.

In any case, McCain was only a pilot. I cannot think of any tactical information which a Navy pilot could have which would be of any value to an enemy who lacked the capacity to attack an aircraft carrier. Nor can I think of much strategic information which any sensible person would give to a pilot who might be shot down and captured.

There are exceptions to this, of course. In any military or naval hierarchy, it is sometimes necessary, for day to day operations under unusual circumstances, for some men to be trained in various skills which may become useful should those circumstances arise. Even the existence of such skills should remain a secret as closely held as possible.

A few men in the camps had such a secret. Had it been disclosed by anyone, we would have known it instantly. It never was.

Someone has circulated a transcript of a radio broadcast made on June 2, 1969, in which McCain says that he received medical treatment and that we were being well treated. If it is authentic, it reads like a statement that he might have made when first captured. It did not take long for men to learn that they could manipulate language when tortured to make statements. Thus, at the Stockholm “War Crimes Tribunal,” the Vietnamese Communist government offered a statement from an American who confessed that Clark Kent (Superman’s alter ego) and Ben Casey (a character in a television show) ordered him to do terrible things. The Vietnamese only realized that they had been snookered when they saw Soviet journalists laughing at the joke the American had played on them. To John McCain’s critics I promise that I can get you, too, to make a statement on any subject I wish.

We have no evidence that Sen. McCain received special treatment. Since he was as thin as the rest of us, if he did, it was not in the form of decent food. It is alleged that he was taken into Hanoi and put up in a hotel with prostitutes. This is an improvement on the allegation spread during the 2000 campaign that he was given a Vietnamese woman to live with him in his cell, an allegation that led me to ask why, if he was my friend, didn’t he ask if she had a sister? Even when he was in solitary confinement, he was constantly in contact with others. Further, we always knew about movements within the camps because the Communists simply were not competent at preventing us from gaining intelligence. Men who were in the camps with him agree that they are not aware of a single night that he spent out of his cell.

A friend, whom I know to be reliable, was across the hall and one door down, from McCain’s cell when McCain was first captured. He has told me that he saw Communist officers enter the cell where the wounded John McCain lay, incapacitated. He heard them offer McCain early release and heard John answer that he would go home when we all go home. He heard the voices of the officers rising until they were shouting angrily at McCain and threatening him. This was followed by screams of agony from John McCain, and a stream of obscenities from him. He could not see what they did to him and I never heard from John McCain what it was. This does not sound like a collaborator.

In the spring of 1971 I personally witnessed evidence of John McCain’s loyalty. After the attempted rescue of POWs at the camp at Son Tay, in November of 1970, almost all Americans were moved to Hoa Lo prison in Hanoi, the infamous “Hanoi Hilton.” The Communists felt so threatened by the raid that, for the first time, they concentrated us in large cells with as many as sixty men in a cell.

One of the first things we did was to institute regular religious services in our cells. On January 1, 1971, we were told that all religious activity was forbidden. This led to a long series of increasingly hostile confrontations which someone has labeled “the Church Riots.” I was in a cell next to John McCain’s cell. In early March, the four senior men in his cell were removed and for some time we lost contact with them. Then the four senior men in my cell were removed, and we lost contact with them, also. The confrontations rapidly escalated.

My recollection is that John McCain was now the senior man in his cell. In any case, I know that he was deeply involved with what followed. The senior men in our two cells kept us under tight control, but carefully staged demonstrations of our anger over the religious ban and the removal of our cell mates. On March 19, St. Joseph’s Day, I remember the men in McCain’s room singing, at the top of their lungs, first “the Battle Hymn of the Republic,” then “Onward Christian Soldiers.”

We knew that this could not go on. The night before, when men from our cell went out to wash dishes, the largest men in the cell, me included, were sent out and told the stand a few inches in front of each guard, cross our arms, and stare angrily into their eyes. The guards were nervous. After ten minutes the one I was staring at began crying and ran away. Shortly thereafter a platoon of armed guards returned with him. A Vietnamese officer nervously ordered us to return to our cell. We stood fast. Finally, after we had repeatedly disobeyed the orders of the Vietnamese officer, the senior man in our cell stepped out and quietly told us to go inside.

The Communists were thoroughly frightened. Given the history of Communism, we had no illusions as to what might come from this. They had killed 100 million people to maintain their control. What would a few American pilots mean to people like that? For much of our incarceration they had threatened to execute some of us.

John McCain was involved in planning and carrying out these confrontations in order to gain the right to worship in our cells. He knew what we were risking. At sundown, on March 19, they came, first to McCain’s cell, then to ours. A total of thirty six of us were taken, at gunpoint, out of the cells. Outside our hands were tied, then our elbows tied behind our back, and we were blindfolded. We did not know what was about to happen but I am certain that none of us thought we were being taken to a hotel to have a party with Vietnamese girls. To our relief, we were taken to a camp where we were put in solitary confinement for the next seven months.

I may not agree with John McCain on some policies. However, I will go to my grave remembering the American officer who helped organize men to defy an enemy who wish to deprive us of religious observance. Even today I cannot hear the Battle Hymn of the Republic without tears as I am still moved by the courage of the singers and the leadership of John McCain.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
"Last year, after phone calls from MoveOn members and others, Obama vowed to 'support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.'"
MoveOn also said in the letter "We need him to honor that promise."

tick tock tick tock
Oct 21, 2004
Lets see ...

The GOP runs a guy that has been on earth for 7 decades and only will
vote for what Bush wants on ALL issues

Great .... simply wonderful

Snatches Defeat from the Jaws of Victory...
Apr 9, 2006
tick tock tick tock

All Obama Promises Expire. It's Just a Question of When.

Obama spokesman Bill Burton on October 24, 2007: “To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.”
Barack Obama, June 20, 2008: “Given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay. So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as president, I will carefully monitor the program.”
All Barack Obama statements come with an expiration date. All of them.

YEAH, cause this was SO MUCH DIFFERENT from the first post you made in this thread, thus proving your "multiple expired ideas" theory that stopped at ZERO!! Hell this IS part of that post!! You guys are totally desperate to try and come up with something to keep your party from falling to bits, but it's coming , BRUTHA, OHHHHHHHHHHH it's COMING!!!!
:pope:The "Divine Mandate" days are O-U-T!!!!:pope:


Yeah, my nuts could run this country better than that slathering moron, Bush!! NO DOUBT!! Things ARE AWFUL in this economy and this WHOLE country b/c of his stunted IQ and his criminal VP's thirst for greed!!! You guys are the most delusional group of people since the Oompa Loompa's in Wonka's Chocolate Factory!!
Good Day, Sir!!!

Oct 21, 2004
Patriot voted for Bush TWO TIMES ....

This is like a guy who fucks Roseanne Barr ..... his excuse was he was drunk as hell and nearly passed out ... OK ... good excuse and "shit happens"

Then he goes back and fucks her the 2nd time COMPLETELY SOBER ...

That sums up the Righties on this board trying to "educate" folks on the
2008 race

New member
Feb 7, 2007
Patriot voted for Bush TWO TIMES ....

This is like a guy who fucks Roseanne Barr ..... his excuse was he was drunk as hell and nearly passed out ... OK ... good excuse and "shit happens"

Then he goes back and fucks her the 2nd time COMPLETELY SOBER ...

That sums up the Righties on this board trying to "educate" folks on the
2008 race

Voting for Osama would be like eating out Oprah Winfrey. Have fun lapping up that rich hair pie, mercer.

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