Here is proof the Obama camp is cracking under pressure...what the hell were they thinking?
Played right into McCain's hands. :aktion033
The Worst Political Ad Ever?
By Shannen Coffin
I don't have an encyclopedic recall of every Presidential ad ever run, but I would have to think that Obama's new Bill Ayers ad (hat tip to Politico via our own Jim Geraghty, who provides us just about every useful insight possible on the race) would have to rank up there (or down there) as one of the worst Presidential political ad ever made. It apparently is a response to a harsh and quite effective ad by a 529 group that highlighted the Obama-Bill Ayers connection. Obama's response ad only reinforces the connection.
It starts with: 'Why is John McCain talking about the Sixties?' Well, McCain wasn't talking about anything; it was an unrelated (but supportive) group. 'Why is McCain trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?' asks the ad? As Jim points out, this seems to be the first time Obama has described his seemingly close associate as a radical. The ad explains that Obama 'denounced Ayers' crime.' Whether that is true or not, his recent association with Ayers is not addressed.
And again, Obama suggests that it is somehow relevant that the crimes were committed when he was just eight years old. As I recall, Charles Manson was committing crimes in the same time frame, but are any Presidential candidates jumping on the Manson express? The ad then segues, quite roughly, into a sound bite critique of McCain's Iraq policies, taxes and jobs, something that very few viewers will remember about the ad.
More will remember that they need to look more into the Bill Ayers association, especially since other Obama associates have proved nutty. Finally, the ad ends with a photo of McCain with President Bush. Is that the ultimate expression of moral equivalence, comparing the President's association with McCain with Obama's association with a well known domestic terrorist?
Obama Ad: Why is McCain Talking about the Sixties?
The Biggest Goof Yet
Jennifer Rubin - 08.25.2008 - 10:02 PM
The conservative blogosphere is agog: what was Barack Obama thinking? He took a story largely confined to the internet, (only briefly raised in the primary) about Obama's connection to former terrorist Bill Ayers, put it in his own ad, and then filed a claim trying to force the third-party 527 ad that first brought up the Obama-Ayers connection off the air. In the next 24 hours thousands if not millions of voters who never heard of or didn't understand the extent of the Obama-Ayers relationship are going to get a full education.
That Justice Department complaint is a stunt reeking of abject panic. Really, isn't this just unlimited free publicity for the McCain accusations? In the Right blogosphere there is a mix of amazement and delight. And in case you thought the McCain camp wasn't thrilled by this turn of events, read what Steve Schmidt has to say about it.
It is very hard to figure out the reasoning behind the Obama effort. Perhaps there is a deadly poll or maybe they think they can so skew the coverage as to insulate himself. But for now, it is just plain baffling.
Schmidt Fires Back on Ayers Ad [Rich Lowry]
Just got off the phone with Steve Schmidt, who had this to say about the Obama Ayers ad:
That they've made a strategic decision to air a commercial about William Ayers is perplexing. I don't understand it, but put that aside. The ad is misleading. It states the McCain campaign is running an ad on the issue and it's not. This a pattern of attacking from a platform of disingenuousness when Obama accuses his opponent of attacking when he's not, in an attempt to disqualify the issue from the debate. Here's Obama's problem with regard to Ayers. When he was asked directly, Obama described Ayers as just a guy who lives in his neighborhood. We know that's not accurate. Before we get to the place where we can ask, "Why does Barack Obama have a relationship with an unrepentant terrorist?" we have to ask, "Why is Barack Obama not being forthcoming about his relationship?" This is what he has to realize: He's a candidate for president of the United States of America. He's not in a state senate race where he can disqualify all his opponents from running. He's deluding himself if he doesn't think his relationship with an unrepentant domestic terrorist who was part of this viscous, crack-pot group will give the American people pause. If he does, he's being very naïve. And he's being misleading. It says a lot about Barack Obama. John McCain is not running an ad on Ayers and William Ayers was not just someone who lived in his neighborhood.