Obama apologizes to Arab world on our behalf


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
In a gesture to the Islamic world, Obama conceded at the beginning of his remarks that tension "has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations."


I wonder if Arab leaders like the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollah and the several other royal families have anything to do with their suppression?

Yes Muslims suffering in the Arab world, we are the reason you are suffering. That oughta do the trick :103631605

I can see OBL laughing all the way to the recruiting farm, Obama's video in hand.


I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
He's already laughing........

He warned Muslims against alliances with Christians and Jews, saying it would annul their faith, and urged them to fight.
"We either live under the light of Islam or we die with dignity... brace yourselves for a long war against the world's infidels and their agents,"

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
What is wrong with accepting the fact that the Islamic extremists will continue to wage war on all religions and people who are not Islamic and Muslims. It has been that way for thousands of years and no silver tongue black man will change that no matter how much he kisses up to them. From the day they are born till the day they blow themselves up the only thing they live for is destruction. The problem could be solved but the bleeding hearts of the world don’t have the stomach for it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
What is wrong with accepting the fact that the Islamic extremists will continue to wage war on all religions and people who are not Islamic and Muslims. It has been that way for thousands of years and no silver tongue black man will change that no matter how much he kisses up to them. From the day they are born till the day they blow themselves up the only thing they live for is destruction. The problem could be solved but the bleeding hearts of the world don’t have the stomach for it.

That is true but the purpose of what Obama says is to marginalize and diminish the extremists. You say that "Islamic extremists" will continue.... People are not just born extremists or not....they become extremists for various reasons, some of which is preventable. Bush's policies, and also prior policies, bred more extremism than otherwise would have been the case. There has always been extremism, but it was extremism. Over the last 10 years it hardly became extremist, it moved into the norm. The point is to marginalize and diminish their influence and their ranks. This dialogue is a good step in that direction.

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
That is true but the purpose of what Obama says is to marginalize and diminish the extremists. You say that "Islamic extremists" will continue.... People are not just born extremists or not....they become extremists for various reasons, some of which is preventable. Bush's policies, and also prior policies, bred more extremism than otherwise would have been the case. There has always been extremism, but it was extremism. Over the last 10 years it hardly became extremist, it moved into the norm. The point is to marginalize and diminish their influence and their ranks. This dialogue is a good step in that direction.

Couldn'tve put it any better. Excellent write-up D2.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
President Obama: ......tension "has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations."

An excellent summary of the basis for many of the current tensions between the USA and many Middle Eastern people.

W99 poses: Yes Muslims suffering in the Arab world, we are the reason you are suffering.

The reasons for suffering in the Middle East are widespread and many have little to do with the undue intrusion of US military forces. However, it's reasonable to submit that for the surviving family members of tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians killed by US military personnel, their tension in life has not been helped by the BushCo-led invasion of their previously sovereign nations.

DUCKHUNTER reminds us: i hate to tell you this, but the taliban and the ayatollah are NOT arabs.

Correct. Willie99's well-intentioned Topic line confuses the "Arab world" with the cited article's reference to "the Islamic world". Though I'm pretty sure he himself understands the distinction, we should remember that for many Americans, one brown-skinned funny-talkin' person is pretty much the same as all the others, so it may seem expeditious to just clump 'em all together whenever possible.


We can only hope that sincere dialouge between the full populations of Middle Eastern countries and the USA will go further towards marginalizing the minority Islamic extremists than has the previous eight years U.S. tactic of bombing and killing their populations with our military might.

--Bman PPub post for June 4

Oct 8, 2006
President Obama: ......tension "has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations."

An excellent summary of the basis for many of the current tensions between the USA and many Middle Eastern people.

W99 poses: Yes Muslims suffering in the Arab world, we are the reason you are suffering.

The reasons for suffering in the Middle East are widespread and many have little to do with the undue intrusion of US military forces. However, it's reasonable to submit that for the surviving family members of tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians killed by US military personnel, their tension in life has not been helped by the BushCo-led invasion of their previously sovereign nations.

DUCKHUNTER reminds us: i hate to tell you this, but the taliban and the ayatollah are NOT arabs.

Correct. Willie99's well-intentioned Topic line confuses the "Arab world" with the cited article's reference to "the Islamic world". Though I'm pretty sure he himself understands the distinction, we should remember that for many Americans, one brown-skinned funny-talkin' person is pretty much the same as all the others, so it may seem expeditious to just clump 'em all together whenever possible.


We can only hope that sincere dialouge between the full populations of Middle Eastern countries and the USA will go further towards marginalizing the minority Islamic extremists than has the previous eight years U.S. tactic of bombing and killing their populations with our military might.

--Bman PPub post for June 4
good post, barman, well said.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
sure, his speech will be effective, if preaching to the choir is ever effective

much like when Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia, his words were not intended to change minds, and his words did not change minds, but they were well received back home.

the extremist he's talking about will use his apologies as proof that they are right and justified

the next time reasoning with terrorists that think Allah wants them to die as they kill infidels works will be the first time reasoning with such people works.

There is only one solution to changing the culture of hate, freedom & education. Bush started us down that path, I hope we're not naive enough to go backwards, but I suspect we are.

Words are not going to stop their thousands of years of Holy War, but being free and happy will.

I think Jimmy already tried the "why can't we be friend" approach, it failed. But we have an attention span of less than 30 days, how could we possible remember that far back?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
During the National Spelling Bee this week in the nation's capital, Islamic spectators became outraged upon discovering that the USA was embedded in the middle of Jerusalem, Israel's holiest city.

The revelation was made by Douglas Levin, an eighth grader at the Joseph Lieberman Day School in Rockville Center, Md., when young Levin was asked to spell the word Jerusalem, he replied:


An audible gasp sounded from Muslim onlookers, who realized for the first time a USA presence in the holy city.

Muslim parents immediately protested the spelling contest, citing American bias toward Israel.

"It's a clear violation of church and state," said Muhammed Ahlee, lobbyist for the Arab group Holy Shiite.

Bee officials quickly denied any wrongdoing, asserting that the Muslims were merely disgruntled because Rajeed Raheed, a seventh grader from Al Kaydah Junior High, had been eliminated earlier for misspelling Afghanistan as Afghanustan.

"There is no 'A-N-U-S' in the middle of Afghanistan," said one bee official, "unless you believe bin Laden is still hiding there."


--Bman PPub Bonus Post for June 4 (thanks! I'm Here All Week! Tip your bartenders and waitstaff!)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
During the National Spelling Bee this week in the nation's capital, Islamic spectators became outraged upon discovering that the USA was embedded in the middle of Jerusalem, Israel's holiest city.

The revelation was made by Douglas Levin, an eighth grader at the Joseph Lieberman Day School in Rockville Center, Md., when young Levin was asked to spell the word Jerusalem, he replied:


An audible gasp sounded from Muslim onlookers, who realized for the first time a USA presence in the holy city.

Muslim parents immediately protested the spelling contest, citing American bias toward Israel.

"It's a clear violation of church and state," said Muhammed Ahlee, lobbyist for the Arab group Holy Shiite.

Bee officials quickly denied any wrongdoing, asserting that the Muslims were merely disgruntled because Rajeed Raheed, a seventh grader from Al Kaydah Junior High, had been eliminated earlier for misspelling Afghanistan as Afghanustan.

"There is no 'A-N-U-S' in the middle of Afghanistan," said one bee official, "unless you believe bin Laden is still hiding there."


--Bman PPub Bonus Post for June 4 (thanks! I'm Here All Week! Tip your bartenders and waitstaff!)

You may have a new career as a writer for The Onion. :103631605

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said U.S. President Barack Obama had planted the seeds of "revenge and hatred" toward the United States in the Muslim world and warned Americans to prepare for the consequences.


all together now

"all we are saying, is give peace a chance"

PS: you can't reason with ignorance and hate filled fanatics (IMHO)

New member
Dec 16, 2004
Doubt Obama is naive enough to think he's going to change extremist minds, however what this outreach can do is put moderates in your corner (or more in your corner) and attempt to isolate the extremists.

Post #5 is pretty spot on

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
moderates are in our corner, that's why they're moderates

unless one can argue that waging a Jihad is a reasonable position

New member
Dec 16, 2004
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said U.S. President Barack Obama had planted the seeds of "revenge and hatred" toward the United States in the Muslim world and warned Americans to prepare for the consequences.


all together now

"all we are saying, is give peace a chance"

PS: you can't reason with ignorance and hate filled fanatics (IMHO)

In terms of actions, Obama has been as Hawkish as Bush so far. Look at his actions in terms of going into Pakistan, focusing on Afghanistan, etc. I think everyone knows these things are much easier with public opinion and more muslim support. I think people need to realize this is what this outreach is all about.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
In terms of actions, Obama has been as Hawkish as Bush so far. Look at his actions in terms of going into Pakistan, focusing on Afghanistan, etc. I think everyone realizes these things are much easier with public opinion and more muslim support. I think people need to realize this is what this outreach is all about.

OK then, so we're really in the same position no matter what was said, I concur.

New member
Dec 16, 2004
OK then, so we're really in the same position no matter what was said, I concur.

Not exactly, without the will of the people you can only do so much or go so far.

It's about getting those that can be on your side, to come over and be on it. There are people who sympathize with extremists for various reasons that you can bring over, this is about bringing them over.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
There are people who sympathize with extremists for various reasons that you can bring over, this is about bringing them over.

He warned Muslims against alliances with Christians and Jews, saying it would annul their faith, and urged them to fight.

Seems as thats the choice right? Follow Obama or follow Binny......

Somebody call Pinnacle and see if they will put up a number on what % of Islamists .not just the "radicals"...all islamists.....If following Binny is anything under 85% give the limit on the over please.......

Heres what Binny told his people about Obama...he accused US President Barack Obama of planting the "seeds of hatred" towards America among Muslims.Obama is gone now but Binnys men will preach his words ughhh what is it 3 times a day every day?????
Aint no MSNBC over there to lick his ass......

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
That is true but the purpose of what Obama says is to marginalize and diminish the extremists. You say that "Islamic extremists" will continue.... People are not just born extremists or not....they become extremists for various reasons, some of which is preventable. Bush's policies, and also prior policies, bred more extremism than otherwise would have been the case. There has always been extremism, but it was extremism. Over the last 10 years it hardly became extremist, it moved into the norm. The point is to marginalize and diminish their influence and their ranks. This dialogue is a good step in that direction.

Bo’s only purpose in life is to be a attention whore, what he says most often borders on an out right lie.

“I don’t want to run an auto company“,

"if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world",

“Americans do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation",

"I will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.",

“I will eliminate ear marks”,

“150,000 jobs had been created or saved because of his stimulus package“.

That is a half dozens dubious claims or lies he has made and that’s just off the top of my head, with a little research I bet I could come up with a least 50.

Dialog only accomplishes anything when both sides have something to gain and are willing to compromise. At this point the extremists have absolutely nothing to gain and will not compromise.

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