[ Thank God there are still plenty of sane conservatives in Texas, and the maggot liberals haven't taken over ]
[h=1]Perverts Lose in Houston as Voters Say No to Men in Ladies’ Rooms[/h]
AP File Photo/Pat Sullivan
Lana Shadwick3 Nov 2015
Houston Voters Reject Nondiscrimination Measure
HOUSTON, Texas – Voters of Houston came out in massive numbers and soundly rejected Mayor Annise Parker’s ordinance proposal that would have allowed men to enter women’s bathrooms, showers and changing areas based on gender identification. The HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance) proposition was rejected by a vote of 61 to 39 percent with 95 percent of the ballots counted.
The proposition would see nearly a quarter million voters take to the polls to send a clear message to the city’s leaders. “Houstonians sent a clear message and voted for common sense by rejecting this dangerous ordinance,” said Briscoe Cain who worked with Campaign for Houston, the group which opposed the measure.
Harris County GOP Chairman Paul Simpson told Breitbart Texas in an interview Tuesday night, “Thanks to the efforts of our precinct chairs, Republican volunteers and activists, and dedicated staff, HCRP made over 100,000 volunteer phone calls and knocked on 30,000 doors to turn out conservative voters to defeat HERO.”
“This is a national game changer,” said Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values Action, in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. “Today’s vote is a massive victory for common sense, safety, and religious freedom, not just in Houston, but for all of Texas. The eyes of the nation were on Houston, and the people sent a clear message and soundly rejected this intentionally deceptive and dangerous ordinance.”
“Millions of dollars pouring in from national LGBT extremists, an out-of-control Mayor, and a sustained media onslaught could not overcome the tireless efforts of Houston pastors and people of faith standing for common sense, safety, and liberty,” Saenz continued. “I was born and raised in Houston, and I had faith Houstonians would do the right thing, and they did. This vote will impact the nation and shows, once again, that the people still support common sense Texas values.”
The Houston mayoral election was also impacted by this ordinance. Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner, who supports the ordinance, will now face off against Houston businessman Bill King who soundly opposes the ordinance proposition. Turner was expected to be the odds on favorite but ended up with only an 11 point lead. The coming runoff election for mayor of Houston in December will give voters another opportunity to reject this ordinance and the values it represents.
For the first time in recent years, the Harris County GOP has taken a proactive role in the city election. Chairman Paul Simpson talked repeatedly throughout the night about how this ordinance and the conservative candidates running for mayor and city controller brought out not only voters, but massive numbers of volunteers who generated even more voter turnout.