I have a few friends that have dated strippers, one married a stripper, and despite a few relationships lasting a while, and a few leaving the profession(one to become a nurse), yet each had a stripper ending, crash and burn..nutty bisexual druggie broads with major baggage is the general MO!
One of my buddies has a roommate that has an ongoing fling with a nationally known porn star that travels the country dancing. He actually broke up with a gorgeous pharmacist to be a parttime pole to this traveling carpet muncher of a dancer, and though this gal is exceptionally sharp(a rarity in that biz), and nice as can be(I really like visiting/hanging out with her), we think the boy has lost his marbles. He is constantly in LA, Miami, NY, Texas,etc..with her. Strangely enough, he is normally cool to gals, has them alll chasing him with lil' interest in the real thing by him..yet he is gaga over a porn star..go figure!