Yeah I do think MBA's are a little overrated (what the hell is a consultant anyways really? ha) but apparently employers don't think that when looking at the median salaries.....
Yeah, the salary is nice, but you'll earn it. I'm not quite the consultant that you become with an MBA, but I'm close (computer consultant for a large firm).
Yes, you'll be making six-figures, but you'll also own a home you never sleep in, belong to every frequent travel plan on the planet and learn to hate airports. You'll have clients that are incredibly incompetent (they had to hire you, duh!) and expect you to swoop in and save everything. One week will blend into the next and next thing you know, its been 5 months since you had any time to yourself. Your gas will get shut off because your personal bills will go unpaid and your wife/gf will hate you - if you don't have one already, you wont.
And at the beginning of the year, when bonuses are handed out for last year, you'll learn to live with the fact that your good Uncle Sam takes about 40% of any bonus money . . . good luck with the GMAT!
