NYC moms fleeing Upper West Side amid crime and chaos


Sep 18, 2006
Start spreadin’ the news, they’re leavin’ today!

However, the people packing their bags are not coming to New York City — they’re fleeing it for good.

Due to increasingly squalid conditions on the Upper West Side, including two new homeless shelters packed with junkies and registered sex offenders, longtime dwellers are departing the Big Apple with no plans to ever return.

One of the Escape from New Yorkers is Elizabeth Carr, one of the area’s most vocal leaders in combatting mounting crime in the well-heeled hood. She was an administrator of the Facebook group “NYC Moms for Safer Streets,” and the face of a public-safety movement that has attracted thousands to demand better policing and city services.

“In the best of times, NYC is a hard place to live,” said Carr. “Now you have all this other stuff. It’s a question for families. … to have to see a guy masturbating on the corner or explain to my kids while I’m buying diapers at Duane Reade why this guy wearing no shoes is collapsed on the floor and they’re doing CPR on him.”

She officially put down stakes Sunday in North Carolina with her finance husband and three kids under 7.

“We reached our New York expiration date,” the former nonprofit exec, who’d lived on the UWS since 2007, told The Post from her new home 600 miles away. “Things weren’t heading in the right direction. What we’re seeing now isn’t at all surprising.”

Crimes committed over the past several days would’ve been unheard of a year ago in the quiet neighborhood that’s home to Lincoln Center and restaurants by Daniel Boulud. A 40-year-old woman was randomly stabbed in the 72nd Street subway station at noon on Thursday; a 56-year-old man was sucker-punched while dining outdoors with his wife Wednesday night; photos were posted online of a man masturbating on the steps of the New York Historical Society; and onlookers witnessed an apparent overdose in the aisle of a Duane Reade across the street from the Lucerne Hotel.

The Lucerne, on 79th Street and Amsterdam, and Hotel Belleclaire, on 76th Street and Broadway, were recently converted into homeless shelters, with nearly 300 vagrants between them. Ten of the men are registered sex offenders, including convicted rapists, child molesters and child-porn possessors — all living a block away from a school playground.

The alarming downturn of her beloved neighborhood, Carr said, makes it hard to look on the bright side.

“Some say, ‘It’s a great opportunity for my kids to learn compassion,’” she said of progressive pals’ response to their new homeless neighbors. “I’m a pretty compassionate person, but … at least show some respect. [The Department of Homeless Services] is just putting 283 people into a neighborhood basically in the middle of the night?”

Carr said one friend couldn’t find a broker to take on her apartment listing on 72nd and Columbus, normally a desirable spot, because conditions were so bad.

“It’s this slow slide,” she said. “How can families stay here? Does the city want families to stay?”

Other lifelong residents are saying sayonara, too.

“There was no reason to leave before,” said born-and-bred Upper West Sider Bess Fern. “Now, I’m done. I can leave tomorrow and never look back. If I never came back to this block that would be fine.”

Fern, who is six-months pregnant and the mother of a toddler daughter, just put her apartment of a decade near the Lucerne up for sale.

“I have definitely seen more crime, drugs and harassment in one week than in my whole experience growing up here,” she said. “I don’t want to see a child get hurt or raped, before they realize maybe it was a mistake to put [hundreds of] drug addicts and sex offenders near schools in the most dense residential population in the city.”

Safety, as well as the state of schools, are common reasons given by nervous moms who are vamoosing. Jennifer, an UWS mother of two boys, ages 5 and 8, is concerned about the financial fate of PS 166, as more well-to-do families leave.

“The funding comes from family donations,” said Jennifer, 46, who declined to give her last name for privacy reasons. “If people move out of the city, there goes the funding for the school.” She plans to relocate to the Hamptons.

“I don’t feel safe going to the Fairway and Citarella anymore,” she said. “I have to walk by the sex offenders at the Belleclaire with my kids. Not knowing what these people are on and what it does to them scares me.”

“De Blasio seems to have some sort of vendetta against this demographic,” added Jennifer. “There’s no incentive to live here.”

Allison Eden, 50, a married UWS mother of two teens, just listed her gut-renovated West End Avenue apartment of 22 years. “I don’t want to leave,” she said, “But I don’t feel like I have a choice now. How do I let my children cross the street when homeless people are shooting up?

“As a parent, this isn’t the place I once knew. I feel like NYC is disappearing so fast and no one’s doing anything,” said the tile manufacturer, who drags her two boys to work with her so they’re not fending for themselves outside alone. “There’s nowhere for them to go. I don’t want to feel afraid, and I don’t want my children to be scared to go outside.”

Eden loves New York — and her “fabulous” four-bedroom co-op with a fireplace — but the city’s passive neglect of the neighborhood has forced her hand.

“People are leaving not because we want to,” said Eden. “This is my home. I have my whole life here. I feel like we’re being thrown out, and so quickly.”

Amid the chaos, however, some vigilante moms are proudly staying put.

“The focus of our group is to get parents to stay in NYC by advocating for public safety and quality of life,” said Veronica Vargas Lupo, an administrator of the “NYC Moms for Safer Streets” Facebook group. “We’re not giving up.”

Sep 18, 2006
The beautiful life of NYC ......there's a reason why Cuomo is begging for the rich to return to NYC......those days are long gone, nobody wants to live in a cesspool of a city that has been devasted.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Have a friend that lived in upstate NY

sold house when he and wife became empty nesters

bought huge condo in Manhattan

moving to Naples , Fl now

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
DeBlasio bringing back the pre-Rudy days

Be proud democrats, be proud of your party and what you're enabling

Sep 18, 2006
DeBlasio bringing back the pre-Rudy days

Be proud democrats, be proud of your party and what you're enabling

I've seen documentary's of NYC before Rudy cleaned house was appalling, dirty, crime driven & disgraceful in the late 70's & 1980's......this is what NYC is becoming once again.

Dec 15, 2004
My go to restaurant when I'm in New York City is Chirping Chicken at 77th and Amsterdam. Usually go there and then walk to Central Park a few blocks way. The NY Historical Society is right across the street from the park. Just a year ago this was one New York City's most desirable neighborhoods. Safe, clean and well maintained. The very popular Natural History Museum is also at 77th and CPW. Moving the homeless just a few blocks away into hotels that weren't getting many bookings due to the Pandemic has turned out to be a disaster. How do you destroy what took decades to transform in a matter of 5 months. It's like Chernobyl. One day everything is normal and the next it becomes uninhabitable. Do I believe people have fled to the Hamptons and Connecticut for the Summer. They own second homes there. I also know that most people abandon their Summer homes for the City once the weather gets cold. Not everyone can work remotely. Not saying all of New York will return to what it once was but there is no way people will give up on their multi-million dollar apartments on the Upper West Side.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
DeBlasio bringing back the pre-Rudy days

Be proud democrats, be proud of your party and what you're enabling

Liberalism At Its Best...Oh to be a snowflake.

Feb 16, 2016
DeBlasio bringing back the pre-Rudy days

Be proud democrats, be proud of your party and what you're enabling

About to watch 1981 movie Escape from New York....

Feb 16, 2016
About to watch 1981 movie Escape from New York....

Wonder if our buddy from Maryland could play Romero - Duke’s whatever he was...:):)

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