NY and Chicago Sports Talking Head Chet Coppock


Hey Let Me Hold Some Ends I'll Hit You Back On The
Dec 13, 2007
Coppock suspended for anti-Semitic remark

<!-- Article Publsih Date -->February 9, 2008


<!-- Article's First Paragraph -->WMVP-AM (1000) confirmed Friday that longtime Chicago sports radio personality Chet Coppock has been suspended for five shifts for making an anti-Semitic comment on the air.
During his show last Saturday, Coppock was asked, ''How do you spell 'Jewish'?'' and replied, ''M-O-N-E-Y.'' General manager Jim Pastor suspended Coppock from Sunday's show, as well as his next four weekend shifts. He'll return to the air Feb. 23.
''I made an offensive comment I truly regret,'' Coppock said in a statement. ''It doesn't reflect my views or those of WMVP. I sincerely apologize.''
Pastor said the station did not receive many complaints but acted immediately anyway. The Chicago-based Anti-Defamation League issued a statement Friday applauding WMVP for its ''expedient response.''
Coppock has had a checkered recent past that includes a suspension last spring for dropping his pants in the presence of a female employee :ohno:and an incident last February in which a Marquette basketball fan punched him outside Allstate Arena after a DePaul game. :lolBIG:

I think he's trying too hard to be cool. Believe he also went tout for a while also. Probably has this stuff "happen" to keep himself in print.

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
Is that it? I don't see how that's anti-semitic. What is wrong with money? There must be some more history here and more to this story.

As in "dude, you're some money and don't even know it". Isn't that a good thing? :think2:

New member
Nov 19, 2006
coppock sucks. huge ego. thinks he's the man in chicago. get his ass off of the air.

remember chet chet chet...i was a little kid and my dad would listen to those coppock parodies. good shit.

I've come to put my house in order
Jan 31, 2005
this hyper-pc bs is not going to end as long as the blacks/jews and other minorities continue to sue for millions of dollars for minor infractions.
The people with the money are too scared to take any chances keeping someone employed who offends any of these groups.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
this hyper-pc bs is not going to end as long as the blacks/jews and other minorities continue to sue for millions of dollars for minor infractions.
The people with the money are too scared to take any chances keeping someone employed who offends any of these groups.

Sue? I don't where this has anything to do with suing.

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
Man those should be glad there not black. Boy would they have a real complaint.

Hey Let Me Hold Some Ends I'll Hit You Back On The
Dec 13, 2007

Most of the powers that be in radio (and tv) are of Jewish decent. I doubt this has anything to do with people calling in etc. I'm sure Chet meant nothing caustic by his remarks. If anything, this is all staged. He was in Chicago for some time and ended up thinking he was going to make it big time in NY so he bailed on a contract here. It would seem the NY thing didn't work out so well, so he came back here. He's been kinda working his way back into this market. He basically got himsaelf blackballed here I guess by bolting last time. Radio is getting to be a very tight knit thing. Listening to him occasionally here (he also the mouth piece for anything about ND, not the radio call of any of their sports), he's coming across as trying to hard. More than the usual long long winded blowhard, he's trying to be provocative and likes to attack talent on other stations. As if anyone G a F about his ancient ass. He's a cartoon character that's act is old.

(staged) Crap like this goes on all the time in the sports radio/tv racket for ratings. It's gonna cost him a chunk of change but it'll pay for itself in the long run.

Rome etc.......

Sep 21, 2004
RIP Chet. https://abc7chicago.com/sports/chet-coppock-dies-6-days-after-accident/5257745/


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CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chet Coppock, a Chicago sports broadcast icon known as "The Godfather of Sports," has died. He was 70 years old.

Coppock was injured in a car accident on April 6 in Okatie, South Carolina, which is located between Savannah, Georgia, and Hilton Head Island.

He was passenger in a vehicle driven by a 50-year-old woman from Hammond, Indiana, according to South Carolina Highway Patrol. Their vehicle crossed a median and struck another vehicle head-on, which hit a third vehicle.

Coppock suffered multiple injuries in the crash and was transported to Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah, police said. He died at the hospital on Wednesday, with his family by his side, according to his former wife, Anna Marie Busalacchi.

The woman driving the car they were in was transported to the hosptial, where she was listed in serious condition. Police said the other reported injuries were minor.

Investigators are working to determine the cause of the crash.
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Coppock was formerly the voice of Notre Dame Football and worked as a host for the NBA Network. He was also an announcer for The Roller Derby and the World Wrestling Federation.

He worked closely with many charitable organizations in the Chicago area, including the Special Kids Network, Little City Foundation, and the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame.

Coppock was born in Northfield, Ill. He attended Chicago Cubs games with his father and was a Bears Season Ticket holder for more than 50 years.

He is survived by Busalacchi and their two children, Lyndsey and Tyler.

Busalacchi said Coppock was very proud of his children. He had just walked Lyndsey down the aisle at her wedding on March 15.

"Chet most cherished the time spent, and the love shared with Lyndsey and Tyler, reflecting on their younger days and the thrill of watching them grow into happy, kind and successful adults. And for this, he will be greatly missed and lovingly remembered," Busalacchi said in a statement released Thursday morning.

A memorial service will be arranged by his family.

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