
Nov 20, 2000
I was trying to explain this to raiders.. he, however just doesn't seem to understand.

I have a out, non-offshore, that allows me to place a 10cent line when moving a bases play, ONCE, from the original posted line at oasis.. AS I STATED a year ago, he did this in football. Then when I brought it up in bases once again the green light was given.. Now he has made me keep it at only 1 jump and limited my max play to $500.. Yet, I have done this and have only stated the truth.. which always was, I can move a line posted at det. o/u 9 -120. to det. under 9.5 -130 in bases.. my question here is this..

DOES anyone else have something they can get away with with a non-offshore that they couldn't offshore? I mean this was a rather simple statement I made to raiders on how i got detroit at -9 -125... And I have mentioned this before in this very forum, yet he has called me every name in the book for making this statement..

[This message was edited by Kodiak7 on July 17, 2003 at 08:53 AM.]

Nov 20, 2000
reasons why he would do this?

~in bases his volume is lighter and to get or bring in more clients maybe that is why this is offered..

~TO keep his current players from going offshore is another possibly..


maybe he doesn't understand the value.. regardless I haven't made a killing by playing them anyway.. it works to my advantage the extra 1/2 run maybe 10% of the time..

[This message was edited by Kodiak7 on July 17, 2003 at 08:55 AM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Kody, my friend...

I feel really sorry for you. I really do. And here is why. You are taking this issue, as well as this site way too seriously. I really hope you have a real life, but it just doesn't look that way. Here is what I'm talking about.

I really don't understant where you get all that energy from. A healthy human being needs around 7-8 hours of sleep per day. You are not even close to that.

Your last post last night was at 2:13 a.m. and your first post this morning was at 7:29 a.m.
This reminds me of hamneggs in his glory days. If I assume that you spent 16 minutes in toilette last night and this morning combined, and at least 30 minutes tring to get asleep, I come up with 4 hours and 30 min. of sleep (net) for you.

That's alarming. What's going on ? Do you dream about sides, totals, locals ? Something has to change, and I'm here to help if needed.

For the moment, please take 3 min. of your precious time and go to :
It looks like a very helpfull place for people like you.

Best of luck my friend.

Don the good poster.

Nov 20, 2000
DON.. I'm up with my 8 month old.. she watches her movies, the baby einstein series, and I check out the site as well as some other things.. to be honest.. I will only post until about 11am then be gone for the day.. I usually only post for about 20-30 minutes a day TOPS.. yet, with my current excitement w/raiders I have upped that amount in the evenings and mornings..

thanks for your concern however..

and DON, seriously have I not made this point about my 10cent bases line very clear? And were you there last season early on when I brought up this very topic and how to take advantage of it? thanks

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