Yeah! Like when Reagan told the 50 states to raise their drinking age to 21 or lose their federal highway funding!
States Rights all the way!
Um, "Ronald Reagan" did no such thing.
In 1984, the National Minimum Legal Drinking Act, written by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and influenced by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), required all states to enforce a minimum legal drinking age of 21 or else risk losing 10% of all federal highway construction funds.
Jesus Christ Mac, now you know why I never reply to your posts. Thanks for letting the newbies in here know how big of a hack you are in two short weeks. I saw you were trying to ease into a comeback of sorts around here...might wanna take another year or so off.
Naw, wasn't trying a comeback, because I wasn't gone. I just had a free hour a few days ago. Just too much anger and hatred down here to hang out too long.
And, I realized long ago that you just come in here to shoot off your mouth because that makes you feel good about yourself. You have a lot of that anger, and are one of the main reasons this place is unpleasant.